Hai, in this blog we learn some useful tips and tricks while using ADOP:
ADOP Session error and LOG files findings:
Find log command for fsclone in sequential procedure:
ls -ltrh $ADOP_LOG_HOME
find $ADOP_LOG_HOME/28 -iname ADOPValidations*.log
find $ADOP_LOG_HOME/28 -iname txkADOPValidations.log
find $ADOP_LOG_HOME/28 -iname txkCloneAcquirePort.log --depend till validation completes
find $INST_TOP/admin/log/clone/ -iname FSCloneStageAppsTier*.log
find $INST_TOP -iname FSCloneStageAppsTier*.log --gets created after start of txkADOPPPS
find $ADOP_LOG_HOME/28 -iname FSCloneStageAppsTier*.log --gets created and provide result after INST_TOP StageAppTier file gets finished with success/error
find $ADOP_LOG_HOME/28 -iname txkADOPPreparePhaseSynchronize.log --create after acquire port complete
find $COMMON_TOP/adop* -iname FMW_Home.jar
watch -n 1 'ls -ltrh'
watch -n 1 'ls |wc -l $PATCH_BASE/EBSapps/appl/*'
watch -n 1 'ls |wc -l $PATCH_BASE/EBSapps/comn/*'
watch -n 1 'ls |wc -l $PATCH_BASE/EBSapps/10.1.2/*'
watch -n 1 'ls |wc -l $PATCH_BASE/FMW_Home/*'
find $INST_TOP/admin/log/clone/ -iname FSCloneApplyAppstier*.log --imp. depend till above folders deletion completes
find $INST_TOP/admin/log/clone/ -iname CLONE*.log
find $INST_TOP/admin/log/clone/fmwT2PApply/ -iname CLONE*.log
find $INST_TOP/admin/log/clone/wlsT2PApply/ -iname CLONE*.log
find $INST_TOP/admin/log/clone/ohsT2PApply/ -iname CLONE*.log
ls -ltrh $INST_TOP/admin/log/clone/fmwT2PApply/CLONE*.log
find $ADOP_LOG_HOME/28 -iname FSCloneApplyAppstier*.log --gets created and provide result after INST_TOP ApplyAppTier file gets finished with success/error
---------------- additional information logs in fsclone.
find $INST_TOP -iname CLONE*.error
find $INST_TOP -iname *.error
find $ADOP_LOG_HOME/28 -iname *.error
find $ADOP_LOG_HOME/28 -iname CLONE*.log
find $ADOP_LOG_HOME/28 -iname CLONE*.error
ls -ltrh $ADOP_LOG_HOME
find $ADOP_LOG_HOME/28 -iname ADOPValidations*.log
find $ADOP_LOG_HOME/28 -iname txkADOPValidations.log
find $ADOP_LOG_HOME/28 -iname txkCloneAcquirePort.log
Find log command for prepare phase:
find $ADOP_LOG_HOME/28 -iname txkADOPValidations.log
find $ADOP_LOG_HOME/28 -iname txkADOPPreparePhaseSanityCheck.log
find $ADOP_LOG_HOME/28 -iname txkADOPPreparePhaseSynchronize.log
find $ADOP_LOG_HOME/28 -iname ADOPValidations*.log
find $INST_TOP/admin/log/clone -iname FSCloneApplyAppsTier_*.log
Find log command for apply phase udriver log:
find $ADOP_LOG_HOME/28 -iname u*log
find . -type f \( -iname \u*.log -o -iname \u*.lgi \)
Find log command for finalize cutover cleanup phase:
find $ADOP_LOG_HOME/28 -iname actualize_all.log
find $ADOP_LOG_HOME/28 -type f \( -iname \actualize_all.log -o -iname \actualize_all.lgi \)
find $ADOP_LOG_HOME/28 -type f \( -iname \cutover.log -o -iname \cutover.lgi \)
find $ADOP_LOG_HOME/28 -type f \( -iname \cleanup.log -o -iname \cleanup.lgi \)
find $ADOP_LOG_HOME/28 -iname adzdallddls.out generates when ran with actualize & cleanup full mode
Find log command for abort phase:
find $ADOP_LOG_HOME/28 -iname adzdshowlog.out
find $ADOP_LOG_HOME/28 -iname abort.log
Find log command for worker log in apply phase:
find $ADOP_LOG_HOME/28 -iname adwork*.log
find $NE_BASE/EBSapps/log/adadmin/log -iname adwork*.log
ps -ef | grep adworker
Find out which worker failed if autoskip flag parameter added
grep -i 'AD Worker error:\|failed' $ADOP_LOG_HOME/28/*/apply/$HOSTNAME/*/log/adwork*.log (Brings the worker file which failed, from that find aborted DB object details in mentioned file as belwo)
grep abort -i $ADOP_LOG_HOME/28/*/apply/uatapp01/28840844_AR/log/l9875758.req
ADOP parameter file:
grep -A 6 MISSING_TRANSLATED_VERSION $APPL_TOP/admin/${TWO_TASK}/adalldefaults.txt
Backup Procudure for PROD instances for full consistent backup:
- stop application and make tar bkp, So no schedule requests will be running to update data in database
- Make RMAN full Backup after stop applciation
- Make DB_HOME tar if appliang any db patches
- Make list of all invalid object
To avoid ADOP network dropout set parameters before adop and run adop session in screen or tmux:
[root@rac1 ~]# tmux -f ~/.tmux.conf (force load all customizing in tmux session)
[root@rac1 ~]# tmux ls ----> tmux attach -t 0 ----> copy/paste shift + selection to paste Shift + R.clk paste
ADOP Phases and different mode options:
current state of adop session and prepare state:
and try to run autoconfig before starting adop cycle, So it will apply current context variables changes to Run FS, which will copied to Patch FS
SQL> select * from all_objects where status like 'INVALID' and owner='APPS';
SQL> show parameter cpu
[applmgr@ebsprodapp3 ~]$
[applmgr@ebsprodapp3 ~]$ grep s_ohs_installed $CONTEXT_FILE
<config_option type="techstack" oa_var="s_ohs_installed">generateEBSOHSConfigFiles</config_option>
[applmgr@ebsprodapp3 ~]$
[applmgr@ebsprodapp3 ~]$ adop -status
[applmgr@ebsprodapp3 ~]$ time adop -validate
adop exiting with status = 0 (Success)
real 4m3.108s
[applmgr@ebsprodapp3 ~]$ free -h -w
create restore point before_prepare guarantee flashback database;
[applmgr@ebsprodapp3 ~]$ which which
[applmgr@ebsprodapp3 ~]$ unset which (link)
[applmgr@ebsprodapp3 ~]$ time adop phase=prepare (approx. 25 mins)
For Multi node setup in prepare phase
Master-[applmgr@ebsprodapp3 ~]$ time adop phase=prepare allnodes=no action=db
Slave-nodes[applmgr@ebsprodapp4 ~]$ time adop phase=prepare allnodes=no action=nodb
[applmgr@ebsprodapp3 ~]$ find $ADOP_LOG_HOME/32 -iname adconfig.log
ps -ef | grep adworker
ps -a | grep adworker
What prepare will do:
Prepares the system for patching cycle.
Creates the Database Patch Edition
Validates system configuration
Check & Submit Concurrent Request 'Online Patching In Progress'(ADZDPATCH)
Prepare is run on all nodes in a mute-node configuration
Synchronizes the Run and Patch File System
If cleanup was not executed in previous adop cycle it will also run Cleanup.
Determining Number of Workers Oracle EBS Maintenance Guide Recommendation (page 285):
The AD utilities provide a default number of workers of twice the number of CPUs on the database server. Oracle recommends you choose a number of workers between 2-4 times the number of CPUs. For example, if there are four CPUs on the database server, you should choose something in the range of 8-16 workers.
Big Patches better to apply in downtime mode (if more than 2000+ jobs):
if applying a big apps patch like Product Family(hr_pf14) on PROD and if PRODDB is on RAC then make cluster=false and bring db to single node is mandatory. moreover for big apps patch add extra workers=16/24 to speed up (default is 8 workers)
SQL> show parameter cpu (8x4=32, 8x2=16) best is 16/24
SQL> shut immeidate # on all RAC-NODES except 1
SQL> alter system set cluster_database=FALSE scope=spfile sid='*'; #MP
SQL> show parameter cluster
SQL> select count(*) from v$session; --gv$session;
select name,open_mode,LOG_MODE,FLASHBACK_ON,FORCE_LOGGING from v$database;
select * from applsys.TXK_TCC_RESULTS;
SQL> select to_char(sysdate,'DD-MM-YYYY HH24:MI:SS') from dual;
SQL> alter system switch logfile;
SQL> alter database flashback on;
SQL> create restore point before_patch guarantee flashback database;
select * from v$restore_point;
[applmgr@ebsprodapp3 ~]$ tnsping PRODDB
Attempting to contact (DESCRIPTION_LIST= (LOAD_BALANCE=YES) (FAILOVER=YES) (DESCRIPTION= (ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST=RAC-DB where EBS DB is up and running R-node should be 1st in list of tns connection description, if (LB & FO) are set to "NO" then no DB connection after cluster is false)
[applmgr@ebsprodapp3 ~]$ sqlplus apps/apps
Running ADOP Fails With Error "ETCC Not Run In The Database Node" (Doc ID 2191678.1)
SQL> select * from apps.TXK_TCC_RESULTS;--etcc checkdb, checkmt ran or not
[applmgr@ebsprodapp3 ~]$ ls -ltrh $PATCH_TOP
[applmgr@ebsprodapp3 ~]$
[applmgr@ebsprodapp3 ~]$ free -h -w
echo 1 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches && swapoff -a && swapon -a && printf '\n%s\n' ' Ram-cache and the swap get cleared'
Adop apply fails with " Do you wish to apply this patch now [No] ? No *" (Doc ID 2355751.1)
grep -A 6 MISSING_TRANSLATED_VERSION $APPL_TOP/admin/${TWO_TASK}/adalldefaults.txt
[applmgr@ebsprodapp3 ~]$
ps -fux
screen -L to reattach screen -d -r 23459865
unset which (for OL8)
Apply phase with single and multinode setup
Before downtime start run full RMAN Backup and APPS Backup:
RMAN> delete noprompt archivelog all;
RMAN> delete noprompt backup;
Disable Cronjob for RMAN.
[root@ebsprodapp3 ~]# ps -eo pid,lstart,cmd|grep -i 'sqlplus\|datapatch\|adop\|tar.gz\|zip' to check when adop issued
[root@ebsprodapp3 ~]# echo 1 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches && swapoff -a && swapon -a && printf '\n%s\n' ' Ram-cache and the swap get cleared'
SQL> alter session set container=cdb$root;
SQL> alter database flashback on;
SQL> create restore point before_apply guarantee flashback database;
$screen -L to reattach screen -d -r 23459865
$unset which
time adop phase=apply patches=X apply_mode=downtime flags=autoskip
time adop phase=apply patches=26681949 hotpatch=yes
time adop phase=apply patches=XX,XX_AR:uXX.drv apply_mode=downtime workers=24 patchtop=/u01/EBS_PATCH
For EBS multi node setup in apply phase
Master-ebsprodapp3 $ time adop phase=apply patches=X apply_mode=downtime allnodes=NO action=db flags=autoskip
Slave-nodes ebsprodapp4 $ time adop phase=apply patches=X apply_mode=downtime allnodes=NO action=nodb flags=autoskip
What apply will do:
Patches are applied in this phase.
Adop internally calls adpatch to apply the patches, but we cannot run adpatch utility as standalone in R12.2 .
Patches are applied in the Patch Edition.
Application user are connected to RUN edition and they are not impacted by patching cycle.
We can apply multiple patches in a patching cycle.
[applmgr@ebsprodapp3 ~]$ find $ADOP_LOG_HOME/28 -iname u*.log
[applmgr@ebsprodapp3 ~]$ find $ADOP_LOG_HOME/28 -iname u*.lgi
[applmgr@ebsprodapp3 ~]$ ls -ltrh $APPL_TOP/admin/${TWO_TASK}/out/adzdshowlog.out
[applmgr@ebsprodapp3 ~]$
[applmgr@ebsprodapp3 ~]$ time adop phase=cleanup workers=24 (approx. time 42 Sec)
if apply phase failed with error then re-try with with option abandon=yes to restart apply from very beginning same or different patch.
[applmgr@ebsprodapp3 ~]$
adop phase=apply patches=XX,XX_AR:uXX.drv apply_mode=downtime workers=24 patchtop=/u01/EBS_PATCH abandon=yes
after completing patching restore DB to RAC and start db on all RAC Nodes:
SQL> alter system set cluster_database=TRUE scope=spfile sid='*';
SQL> startup # all RAC-NODES
SQL> select * from v$restore_point;
Services up time Patching direct on RFS with custom patchtop::
[applmgr@ebsprodapp3 ~]$ adop phase=apply patches=XXXXX hotpatch=yes patchtop=/u01/EBS_PATCH
Downtime mode Patching Command with custom patchtop:
[applmgr@ebsprodapp3 ~]$ adop
phase=apply patches=XXXXX apply_mode=downtime patchtop=/u01/EBS_PATCH
Downtime mode with reapply Patching Command:
[applmgr@ebsprodapp3 ~]$ adop phase=apply patches=XXXXX apply_mode=downtime options=forceapply
Patching Command:
[applmgr@ebsprodapp3 ~]$ adop
phase=apply apply_mode=downtime patches=30467183,30467183_AR:u30467183.drv
[applmgr@ebsprodapp3 ~]$
SQL> [applmgr@ebsprodapp3 ~]$ adop phase=finalize
Cutover phase with single and multinode setup
Finalize phase will run automatic when we run cutover phase so we can skip it
SQL> create restore point before_cutover guarantee flashback database;
[applmgr@ebsprodapp3 ~]$ adop phase=cutover mtrestart=no
For EBS multi node setup
Master-ebsprodapp3 $ time adop phase=cutover cm_wait=10 allnodes=NO action=db mtrestart=no
Waiting for non-Admin Server nodes to shut down their application tier services.
Non Admin MT Services Shutdown did not complete on node(s): <ebsprodapp4>
Run parallel cutover in slave after displaying the above message in Master node
Slave-nodes ebsprodapp4 $ time adop phase=cutover cm_wait=10 allnodes=NO action=nodb mtrestart=no
Single-nodes[applmgr@ebsprodapp3 ~]$ adop phase=cutover
Cleanup phase with single and multinode setup (unset which for new screen session)
[applmgr@ebsprodapp3 ~]$ adstrtal.sh apps/apps (Apps services can be up in all nodes for cleanup stage
[applmgr@ebsprodapp4 ~]$ adstrtal.sh apps/apps
Cleanup need to run on master node only it will run automatic on all slave nodes
cleanup only on Master-[applmgr@ebsprodapp3 ~]$ time adop phase=cleanup
Slave-nodes ebsprodapp4 $ time adop -status
[applmgr@ebsprodapp3 ~]$ adop phase=finalize,cutover,cleanup (approx. 25 mins)
[applmgr@ebsprodapp3 ~]$
What finalize will do:
Ready the system for Cutover.
Compile Invalid objects.
Computes any DDL to be executed before the cutover.
VERY IMPORTANT 1 : Up to this phase, you can run a special phase called abort, which will undo the changes made so far in the patching cycle. After cutover is complete, however, you cannot do this.
VERY IMPORTANT 2 : In an online patching cycle, the requisite JAR files are initially stored in the $APPL_TOP/admin/<SID>/out directory, and then uploaded into the database during the cutover phase. Therefore, the out directory must not be deleted at least until cutover (next phase) is complete.
What cutover will do:
Switches to the patch edition of database and file system.
In the phase, the system actually goes down.
All application tier services are stopped and starts after the cutover.
it will send a broadcast message for all connected users to OS to source new RFS
What cleanup will do:
Cleans up old edition and objects.
Recovers space.
after completing patching cycle restore DB to RAC and start db on all RAC Nodes:
SQL> alter system set cluster_database=TRUE scope=spfile sid='*';
SQL> select * from v$restore_point;
if all set Run Gather Schema:
NOTE: before Running FS_CLONE take tar backup of Patch File System and set below jvm parameters:
(below jvm and timeout parameters are used only for adcfg dualfs & fs_clone)
free -h -w
export CONFIG_JVM_ARG="-Xms1024m -Xmx2048m"
export CONFIG_JVM_ARG="-Xms2048m -Xmx4096m"
ps -fux
free -h
export USER_MEM_ARGS="-Xms10240m -Xmx10240m -XX:MaxPermSize=2048m"
export CONFIG_JVM_ARGS="-Xmx4096m -Xms2048m -XX:MaxPermSize=512m -XX:-UseGCOverheadLimit"
du -sh $COMMON_TOP/util/jdk32_old
du -sh $COMMON_TOP/util/jdk64_old
du -sh $FMW_HOME/webtier/jdk_old
du -sh $ORACLE_HOME/jdk_old
du -sh $FMW_HOME/utils/bsu/cache_dir
[applmgr@ebsprodapp3 ~]$ time adop phase=fs_clone (approx. 2hrs 30 mins)
If fsclone fails with any reason alway start fsclone again with option force=yes
[applmgr@ebsprodapp3 ~]$ time adop phase=fs_clone force=yes (approx. 2hrs 30 mins)
[applmgr@ebsprodapp3 ~]$
ADOP abort phases Rarely used:
Abort cycle depends on applied patch size and ddl/dml operation executed on PFS
it is better to let it execute and monitor in adopmon (some time 3+ hrs.)
[applmgr@ebsprodapp3 ~]$
[applmgr@ebsprodapp3 ~]$ time adop phase=abort (wait until @ADZDSHOWLOG.sql execute normally.)
[applmgr@ebsprodapp3 ~]$ adop phase=abort force=yes (N/A for abort, force option for FSCLONE only )
[applmgr@ebsprodapp3 ~]$
Always check list of invalid objects after abort phase:
SQL> select * from all_objects where status like 'INVALID' and owner='APPS';
[applmgr@ebsprodapp3 ~]$
[applmgr@ebsprodapp3 ~]$ adop
phase=cleanup cleanup_mode=full
[applmgr@ebsprodapp3 ~]$
Beginning application tier FSCloneStage - Fri Jan 21 13:42:32 2022
. . . . .
Completed FSCloneStage...
Fri Jan 21 13:50:28 2022
*******FATAL ERROR*******
PROGRAM : (/u01/dev/fs1/EBSapps/appl/ad/12.0.0/patch/115/bin/txkADOPPreparePhaseSynchronize.pl)
TIME : Fri Jan 21 13:51:24 2022
FUNCTION: main::removeDirectory [ Level 1 ]
ERRORMSG: Failed to delete the directory /u01/dev/fs2/EBSapps/10.1.2.
ERRORMSG: Failed to delete the directory /u01/dev/fs2/FMW_Home
If fsclone fails with function to removeDirectory then simply rename the given directory.
Usually will be only above two. Then re-run fsclone with option force=yes
mv /u01/dev/fs2/FMW_Home
/u01/dev/fs2/EBSapps/10.1.2. /u01/dev/fs2/EBSapps/del_10.1.2.
source Dropping Old Editions With the Actualize_all Phase
In EBS R12.2, as each online patching cycle is completed, the database will accumulate an additional old database edition. An additional column ZD_EDITION_NAME is populated in the seed tables.If the number of these grows too large, system performance will start to be affected. When the number of old database editions reaches 25 or more, we should consider dropping all old database editions by running the adop actualize_all phase and then performing a full cleanup. I normally consider to do it, once the count reaches 15 editions in my Production environment.
Important: This procedure will take a large amount of time (significantly longer than a normal patching cycle), and should only be performed when there is no immediate need to start a new patching cycle.
Before starting, you should ensure that the system has the recommended database patches and latest AD-TXK code level installed.
When no patches need to be applied in Online Patching
To proceed, run the following commands in the order shown:
sqlplus apps @$AD_TOP/sql/ADZDSHOWOBJS.sql
sqlplus apps @$AD_TOP/sql/ADZDSHOWED.sql
SELECT * FROM dba_editions;
SELECT * FROM ad_adop_sessions;
select * from apps.ad_zd_logs order by log_sequence desc; -- to check current actives of adop in table ADZDSHOWLOG.sql
To proceed, run the following commands in the order shown:
$ ps -eo pid,lstart,cmd|grep -i 'sqlplus\|adop\|tar.gz\|zip' (to check adop session start time)
$ time adop phase=prepare
$ time adop phase=actualize_all ( to capture adopmn output use Linux script command or adopmn > a.txt (or else) adopmon |& tee output.txt)
$ time adop phase=finalize finalize_mode=full
$ time adop phase=cutover
$ time adop phase=cleanup cleanup_mode=full
Multi Node Application:
if fs_clone fails due to any error then in next retry use option force=yes so that fs_clone starts from the beging insted of continue from fail part
[applmgr@ebsprodapp3 ~]$ adop
phase=fs_clone allnodes=no action=db force=yes
[applmgr@ebsprodapp4 ~]$ adop
phase=fs_clone allnodes=no action=nodb (approx.
10 Mins on node 2, dmz)
[applmgr@ebsprodpubapp1 ~]$ adop
phase=fs_clone allnodes=no action=nodb
[applmgr@ebsprodapp3 ~]$ adop
Major difference between prepare phase and fsclone is:
Prepare phase synchronize ADOP patches only, it does not sync patches of{oracle home, oracle_common, Middle ware home(Webtier)/Weblogic patches, JDK/JRE upgrade Patches}
Where as fsclone makes a complete Replica of RFS.
Conclusion: when applying ADOP patch no need to run FS_CLONE, but when applied other than ADOP patches it is mandatory to sync RFS with PFS before starting next prepare phase.
ADOP Fsclone Expected errors and troubleshoot:
Reported Error 1 for FS_CLONE:
12.2 E-Business Suite Applications DBA Online ADOP Utility Fs_clone Fails With "ERROR: Number of servers are not in sync between Run and Patch Context" [1582473.1]
[applmgr@ebsprodapp3 ~]$ find $ADOP_LOG_HOME/30 -iname FSCloneApplyAppstier*.log
configProperty id = Server8
Count for NodeIterator nextNode = 3
ERROR: Managed Server's are not in sync between file system context and DB context
ERROR: Update Moveplan Fail
START: Inside exitClone....
Updating status INCOMPLETE for ApplywlsTechStack
START: Updating status INCOMPLETE for action ApplywlsTechStack
END: Updated status INCOMPLETE for action ApplywlsTechStack
Verify Managed Servers List in WebLogic console as per application Context file and delete unwanted/additional MS/Cluster/deployments (SSO) configured in WL Console which not attached to any machines (where machine name is empty)
grep _cluster $CONTEXT_FILE
grep oacore_server $CONTEXT_FILE
grep oa_managed_server $CONTEXT_FILE
grep _server_ports $CONTEXT_FILE
Reported Error 2 for FS_CLONE:
[applmgr@ebsprodapp3 ~]$ find $ADOP_LOG_HOME/30 -iname FSCloneApplyAppstier*.log
Undeploying Application accessgate from targets
Undeploying application accessgate ...
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: [J2EE Deployment SPI:260134]Unable to identify application for undeploy operation.Failed to undeploy the application with status failed
Current Status of your Deployment:
Deployment command type: undeploy
Deployment State : failed
Deployment Message : java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: [J2EE Deployment SPI:260134]Unable to identify application for undeploy operation.
No stack trace available.
Error while deploying application accessgate
Exiting WebLogic Scripting Tool.
<Jul 29, 2022 7:48:57 PM AST> <Warning> <JNDI> <BEA-050001> <WLContext.close() was called in a different thread than the one in which it was created.>
.end std out.
.end err out.
Script Executed in 188415 milliseconds, returning status 1
ERROR: Failed to execute /u01/TEST/apps/fs1/EBSapps/appl/ad/12.0.0/patch/115/bin/adPostDomainCloneCfg.pl
Delete accessgate deployment from Weblogic console which was created for PROD SSO
Reported Error 3 for prepare phase:
Adop Prepare Phase Fails While Calling ad_zd.prepare" With Error "ORA-04031: unable to allocate 256 bytes of shared memory" (Doc ID 2043199.1)
show parameter sga
show parameter pga
show parameter recovery
alter system set sga_max_size=16G scope=spfile sid='*';
alter system set sga_target=12G scope=spfile sid='*';
alter system set pga_aggregate_target=6G scope =spfile sid='*';
alter system set db_recovery_file_dest_size=1500G scope =spfile sid='*';
Solutionfor adop prepare:
1.Set sga_target = 6g and pga_aggregate_target = 6g for adop.
2.Restart the database.
3.run adop phase=prepare again.
Reported Error 4 Restoring PFS after flashback when FS has changed fs2->fs1:: Tested and verified, old PFS xml should be restored form fs1_del
Note: in this scenario current RFS is fs1 and before flashback RFS was fs2 and we had fs2-tar-bkp before flashbk/cutover
[applmgr@uatapp01 ~]$ . EBSapps.env run
E-Business Suite Environment Information
RUN File System : /u01/UAT/fs1/EBSapps/appl
PATCH File System : /u01/UAT/fs2/EBSapps/appl
Non-Editioned File System : /u01/UAT/fs_ne
DB Host: uatdb01.psau.edu.sa Service/SID: UAT
Sourcing the RUN File System ...
[applmgr@uatapp01 ~]$
---# this can be achived by 2 methods,
1. need to clone PFS from RFS
2. is successful fsclone
---# after flashback restore of DB now untar fs2 also and run autoconfig on DB and apps
[applmgr@uatapp01 ~]$ mv fs2 fs2_del
[applmgr@uatapp01 ~]$ mv fs1 fs1_del
[applmgr@uatapp01 ~]$ tar -xvzf /bkp/fs2_15jan.tar.gz -C /u01/UAT
[applmgr@uatapp01 ~]$ . EBSapps.env run
E-Business Suite Environment Information
File System Type : SINGLE
RUN File System : /u01/UAT/fs2/EBSapps/appl
Non-Editioned File System : /u01/UAT/fs_ne
DB Host: uatdb01.psau.edu.sa Service/SID: UAT
Sourcing the RUN File System ...
[applmgr@uatapp01 ~]$
[applmgr@uatapp01 ~]$ grep s_file_edition $CONTEXT_FILE
<file_edition_type oa_var="s_file_edition_type">run</file_edition_type>
<file_edition_name oa_var="s_file_edition_name">fs2</file_edition_name>
[applmgr@uatapp01 ~]$
exec fnd_conc_clone.setup_clean;
[oracle@uatdb01 ~]$ perl $ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/scripts/$CONTEXT_NAME/adautocfg.sh
---# fnd_oam_context_files table updated with RFS and PFS xml's run adautocfg.sh on Apps Tier
select distinct(PATH),EXTRACTVALUE(XMLType(TEXT),'//file_edition_type') as FILE_SYSTEM from FND_OAM_CONTEXT_FILES where NAME not in ('TEMPLATE','METADATA','config.txt') and CTX_TYPE='A' and (status is null or upper(status) in ('S','F')) and EXTRACTVALUE(XMLType(TEXT),'//file_edition_type') in ('run','patch') -- check RFS/PFS context files uploaded to db or not
select distinct(PATH) from FND_OAM_CONTEXT_FILES where NAME not in ('TEMPLATE','METADATA','config.txt') and CTX_TYPE='A' and (status is null or upper(status) in ('S','F')) and EXTRACTVALUE(XMLType(TEXT),'//file_edition_type') in ('run','patch');-- check RFS/PFS context files uploaded to db or not
[applmgr@uatapp01 ~]$ adautocfg.sh
AutoConfig completed successfully.
[applmgr@uatapp01 ~]$
---# if auto config failed on apps tier then use below and retry autoconfig
$AD_TOP/bin/adconfig.sh contextfile=$CONTEXT_FILE -syncctx
---# then check apps.fnd_oam_context_files run adautocfg.sh on Apps Tier
if PFS xml is missing then upload with API by sourcing RFS and path of xmlfile (i.e db will updated and and PFS xml gets created)
Error "Use of uninitialized value $result in split" In File txkADOPValidations.error When Running fs_clone (Doc ID 2090393.1)
Copy fs1 xml file which was run edition before restore and update below value to patch
[applmgr@uatapp01 ~]$ cp /u01/UAT/fs1_del/inst/apps/UAT_uatapp01/appl/admin/UAT_uatapp01.xml /u01/UAT/fs1/inst/apps/UAT_uatapp01/appl/admin/
[applmgr@uatapp01 ~]$ grep s_file_edition /u01/UAT/fs1/inst/apps/UAT_uatapp01/appl/admin/UAT_uatapp01.xml
<file_edition_type oa_var="s_file_edition_type">patch</file_edition_type>
<file_edition_name oa_var="s_file_edition_name">fs1</file_edition_name>
[applmgr@uatapp01 ~]$
s[applmgr@uatapp01 ~]$ grep fs2 /u01/UAT/fs1/inst/apps/UAT_uatapp01/appl/admin/UAT_uatapp01.xml
<OTHER_BASE oa_var="s_other_base">/u01/UAT/fs2</OTHER_BASE>
<clonestage oa_var="s_clonestage">/u01/UAT/fs2/EBSapps/comn/adopclone_uatapp01</clonestage>
[applmgr@uatapp01 ~]$
[applmgr@uatapp01 ~]$ $ADJVAPRG oracle.apps.ad.autoconfig.oam.CtxSynchronizer action=upload contextfile=<Enter Your Full Patch Context XML File Location> logfile=~/patchctxupload.log
[applmgr@uatapp01 ~]$ grep s_file_edition $CONTEXT_FILE RFS and PFS
Source env again and now PFS should be normal
[applmgr@uatapp01 ~]$ . EBSapps.env run
E-Business Suite Environment Information
RUN File System : /u01/UAT/fs2/EBSapps/appl
PATCH File System : /u01/UAT/fs1/EBSapps/appl
Non-Editioned File System : /u01/UAT/fs_ne
DB Host: uatdb01.psau.edu.sa Service/SID: UAT
Sourcing the RUN File System ...
[applmgr@uatapp01 ~]$
[applmgr@uatapp01 ~]$ time adop phase=fs_clone force=yes
Adop Phase fs_clone is Failing on TxkADOPPreparePhaseSynchronize.pl RC-50204: Error: - ONS Remote Port in Use (Doc ID 2045627.1)
Stop any running BGP of RFS, PFS and kill all user sesion
[applmgr@uatapp01 ~]$ adstpall.sh apps/apps
[applmgr@uatapp01 ~]$ pkill -u applmgr
---# If fsclone got hang due to any reason then fail corresponding ADOP session ID and retry with option force=yes
select * from ad_adop_session_patches --where ADOP_SESSION_ID='30';--fs_clone hang in RUNNING state
--update ad_adop_session_patches set status='F' where ADOP_SESSION_ID='30';
Reported Error 5 for CLEANUP in FULL Mode when ran with actualize all:
Oracle SR Engineer advised to delete type 10 and type 88 objects
type#10 are non existing objects,
type#88 are orphaned stubs
Note: actualize all and full cleanup are running first time on instance for 19c upgrade. default ORA$BASE Edition also exists in EBS DB
When adop cleanup in full mode is failed with ORA-600
ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [16500], [kqdobu], [D], [2], [2270], [EMPLOYEESUNIONVIEW], [], [], [], [], [], []
-- Type#10=non exixitng objects, type#88=orphaned stubs
--The ORA-600 [kqlhdlod-bad-base-objn] suggests that a stub row in obj$ has a base obj# that does not correspond to an object. The following query executed as the SYS as SYSDBA can be used to identify orphaned stubs:
-- Identify orphaned stubs: and non exists
select o.obj# from obj$ o where type# = 88 and not exists (select 1 from obj$ oi where oi.obj# = o.dataobj#);
Set flashback point before delete then start db in restrict mode and delete with SYS user
Make sure you delete after cleanup is failed else it will mess if deleted in finalize or other phases
-- check object types (10, 88) and delete queries
select obj#,dataobj#,owner#,name,status,flags,type# from obj$ where name in ('EMPLOYEESUNIONVIEW')-- sys schema
select count(*) from obj$ where type#=10;
select count(*) from obj$ where type#=88;
--- remove objects (type 10) (Note DB should be started in restrict mode before deleting type 10 and 88 objects)
startup restrict
delete from obj$ where type#=10;
-- Identify orphaned stubs: (type 88)
select o.obj# from obj$ o where type# = 88 and not exists (select 1 from obj$ oi where oi.obj# = o.dataobj#);
-- Remove the orphaned stubs: (approx 15-20Mins)
startup restrict
delete from obj$ o where o.type# = 88 and not exists (select 1 from obj$ oi where oi.obj# = o.dataobj#);
alter system flush shared_pool;
shut abort
startup normal
Other utilities in while running ADOP Phases:
[applmgr@ebsprodapp3 ~]$ adopmon |& tee ~/adopmon_XXX.txt
adop activity monitor-1
[applmgr@ebsprodapp3 ~]$ adopmon ( to capture output use Linux script command or adopmn > a.txt)
(to monitor )
adop activity monitor-2
SQL> select * from apps.ad_zd_logs order by log_sequence desc;
adop activity monitor-3
[applmgr@ebsprodapp3 ~]$ sqlplus apps @$AD_TOP/sql/ADZDSHOWLOG.sql
[applmgr@ebsprodapp3 ~]$ adctrl
[applmgr@ebsprodapp3 ~]$ adopreports
[applmgr@ebsprodapp3 ~]$
admsi.pl run Instruction : (if instructed to run admsi as per patch readme)
R12: AP: How do you run admsi.pl for the Patch Application Assistant? (Doc ID 2591487.1)
SOLUTION: The admsi.pl is used to generate customized installation instructions for a patch. To run it, you can do the following:
perl $AD_TOP/bin/admsi.pl -patch_top=patch path -appspass=apps
[applmgr@ebsprodapp3 ~]$ perl $AD_TOP/bin/admsi.pl -patch_top=/home/applmgr/33777036 -appspass=prod1
Gathering Information..
Logfile for this session is located at admsi.log
Generating installation instructions for patch 33777036..
Updating database....
install_33777036.html generated successfully
install_33777036.txt generated successfully
[applmgr@ebsprodapp3 ~]$
[applmgr@ebsprodapp3 ~]$ vi admsi.log
[applmgr@ebsprodapp3 ~]$ vi install_33777036.txt (for special instructions after admsi for patching)
After Reviewing generated Install_PATCHNUMBER.txt follow -- Apply the patch -- Finishing tasks -- Additional information)
[applmgr@ebsprodapp3 ~]$
[applmgr@ebsprodapp3 ~]$ perl $AD_TOP/bin/admsi.pl --done
Gathering Information..
Enter the patch_top : =/home/applmgr/33777036
Enter the APPS user password:
Logfile for this session is located at admsi.log
Invalid patch_top or this patch may not be applicable for running admsi.pl
See admsi.log for more details.
[applmgr@ebsprodapp3 ~]$
[applmgr@ebsprodapp3 ~]$ perl $AD_TOP/bin/admsi.pl --done -patch_top=/home/applmgr/33777036 -appspass=prod1
Gathering Information..
Logfile for this session is located at admsi.log
Updating database for completion..
[applmgr@ebsprodapp3 ~]$
Latest legislation data update (Hrglobal installation): (need to run as per readme/doc)
by default if we run hrglobal in downtime mode it will set 32 workers by it self, so no need to specify workers
R12.2: How to Install HRMS Legislative Data Using Data Installer and hrglobal.drv (Doc ID 2006776.1)
DataInstall and HRGLOBAL Application: 12.2 Specifics (Doc ID 1469456.1)
Latest Oracle HRMS Legislative Data Patch Available (HR Global / hrglobal) (Doc ID 145837.1)
The command line for the Data Install program is as follows:
java oracle.apps.per.DataInstall apps (password) thin (server):(db port):(SID)
java oracle.apps.per.DataInstall apps (password) thin (server):(db port)/(Service Name)
(password) refers to the APPS schema password
(server) is the database server name or ip address
(db port) is the sql net or database port number default is 1521
(SID) is the database system identifier like PROD
(Service Name) is the service_name in tnsnames.ora connection string
for example:
java oracle.apps.per.DataInstall apps apps thin dbsvr1:1521:proddb
java oracle.apps.per.DataInstall apps apps thin dbsvr1:1521/prod
[apploci@ebsprodapp3 ~]$ adop -status (Take PFS bkp and then run fsclone)
[apploci@ebsprodapp3 ~]$ tnsping PROD
[apploci@ebsprodapp3 ~]$ java oracle.apps.per.DataInstall apps apps_pswd thin ebsdbhost:1521:PROD (approx. Time immediate)
[apploci@ebsprodapp3 ~]$ java oracle.apps.per.DataInstall apps apps_pswd thin ebsdbhost:1521/PROD (approx. Time immediate)
DataInstall for hrglobal
Patch Edition: null
Run Edition: V_20220121_1047
| DataInstall Main Menu |
1. Select legislative data to install/upgrade
2. Select college data to install/upgrade
3. Select JIT to install/upgrade
4. Select International HRMS Setup to install
5. Exit to confirmation menu
Enter your choice : 1
# Localisation Product(s) Leg. Data? Action
-- ------------------- ------------------------ ---------- -------------
1 Global Human Resources Installed
2 Australia Human Resources
3 Australia Payroll
4 Belgium Human Resources
5 Canada Human Resources
6 Canada Payroll
7 China Human Resources
8 China Payroll
9 Denmark Human Resources
10 Finland Human Resources
11 France Human Resources
12 Germany Human Resources
13 Hong Kong Human Resources
14 Hong Kong Payroll
15 Hungary Human Resources
16 India Human Resources
17 India Payroll
18 Ireland Human Resources
19 Ireland Payroll
20 Italy Human Resources
21 Japan Human Resources
22 Japan Payroll
23 Korea, Republic of Human Resources
24 Korea, Republic of Payroll
25 Kuwait Human Resources
26 Kuwait Payroll
27 Mexico Human Resources
28 Mexico Payroll
29 Netherlands Human Resources
30 Netherlands Payroll
31 New Zealand Human Resources
32 New Zealand Payroll
33 Norway Human Resources
34 Poland Human Resources
35 Romania Human Resources
36 Russian Federation Human Resources
37 Saudi Arabia Human Resources Installed
38 Saudi Arabia Payroll Installed
39 Singapore Human Resources
40 Singapore Payroll
41 South Africa Human Resources
42 South Africa Payroll
43 Spain Human Resources
44 Sweden Human Resources
45 United Arab Emirates Human Resources
46 United Arab Emirates Payroll
47 United Kingdom Human Resources Installed
48 United Kingdom Payroll Installed
49 United States Human Resources
50 United States Payroll
51 United States US Federal Human Resources
<Product #><Action> - Change Action
where <Action> is [I : Install, C : Clear]
[Return] - To return to main menu.
Enter your choice (for example 2I) : 37I
Enter your choice (for example 2I) : 38I
37 Saudi Arabia Human Resources Installed Install
38 Saudi Arabia Payroll Installed Install
<Product #><Action> - Change Action
where <Action> is [I : Install, C : Clear]
[Return] - To return to main menu.
Enter your choice (for example 2I) : Press enter to go back to main menu
| DataInstall Main Menu |
1. Select legislative data to install/upgrade
2. Select college data to install/upgrade
3. Select JIT to install/upgrade
4. Select International HRMS Setup to install
5. Exit to confirmation menu
Enter your choice : 5
DataInstall - Actions confirmation
Do you really wish to exit and save your changes?
[Y] - Yes, save then exit
[N] - No, don't save but exit
[Return] - To return to the DataInstall Main Menu
Enter your choice (for example Y) : Y
DataInstall - Actions summary
The following actions will be performed:
Localisation Product(s) Leg. Data? Action
-------------------- ------------------------ ---------- -------------
Saudi Arabia Human Resources Installed Install
Saudi Arabia Payroll Installed Install
Localisation College Data? Action
-------------- ------------- -------------
United Kingdom
United States
Option Data? Action
------------------------------ ------------- -------------
Legislation Action
------------------------------ -------------
ALL All Legislations
[apploci@ebsprodapp3 appl]$
Optional Instruction for applying hrglobal.drv in Downtime mode:(Number of Parallel Workers (Page 34) --> "N" CPU X 2 to 4 times )
SQL> show parameter cpu
adstpall.sh apps/apps
[applmgr@ebsprodapp3 ~]$ adop phase=apply apply_mode=downtime patchtop=$PER_TOP/patch/115 patches=driver:hrglobal.drv options=nocopyportion,nogenerateportion,forceapply (approx. 20 Mins)
[applmgr@ebsprodapp3 ~]$
[applmgr@ebsprodapp3 ~]$ adop phase=cleanup workers=24
[applmgr@ebsprodapp3 ~]$
Apply the required patches and run fsclone to syncronize:
if all set Run Gather Schema when ran on PROD:
select * from hr_legislation_installations where status='I';-- verify hrglobal run
select * from pay_action_parameters;-- to check threads
select * from pay_retro_assignments where to_char(creation_date, 'DD-MM-YY') like '27-06-24'; --Retropay (Enhanced) Conc-Req & Payroll Process Result
Configure multi-threads enablement for EBS Retropay & Payroll run (24x100 employees):
How Do I Improve Payroll Performance? (Doc ID 219306.1)
Tips for Improving Payroll Performance (Doc ID 1079475.6)
How to Determine the Best Setting for the THREADS Parameter in the Pay_Action_Parameters Table (Doc ID 359354.1)
Quick List of PAY_ACTION_PARAMETERS Values (Doc ID 181304.1)
Verify current/default parameters from payroll run request log file
conn apps/apps_pswd
col PARAMETER_VALUE for a20;
select * from pay_action_parameters;
insert into pay_action_parameters values ('BAL_BUFFER_SIZE','100');
insert into pay_action_parameters values ('EE_BUFFER_SIZE','100');
insert into pay_action_parameters values ('RR_BUFFER_SIZE','100');
insert into pay_action_parameters values ('RRV_BUFFER_SIZE','100');
insert into pay_action_parameters values ('CHUNK_SIZE','100');
insert into pay_action_parameters values ('THREADS','24');
- as per above ref. docs. threads cal (1.5/2 X no. of process on appstier)
- defined threads are depend on number of standard managers enabled, else slave payroll process will be in pending phase only while payroll run is going on.
ADOP Tables for node information configured with Single/Multi Apps Node:
1.1) select * from fnd_nodes; --(only 3:AUTHENTICATION, DBNODE, APPSNODE)
1.3) select * from ad_nodes_config_status; -- (prod apps entries
1.4) select * from fnd_oam_context_files;
ADOP Session Status from Database Query:
Query 1:
from AD_ADOP_SESSIONS where ADOP_SESSION_ID='8';Query 2:
select * from ad_adop_sessions --where ADOP_SESSION_ID='30';
--update ad_adop_sessions set status='C' where ADOP_SESSION_ID='30';
Query 3:
select * from ad_adop_session_patches --where ADOP_SESSION_ID='30';--fs_clone hang in RUNNING state
--update ad_adop_session_patches set status='F' where ADOP_SESSION_ID='30';
Query 4:
select * from adop_valid_nodes
select * from fnd_oam_context_files;
Query 5:
SQL> select ad_zd.get_edition_type from dual;
Query 6: uploading missing RFS/PFS Context file entries in fnd_oam_context_files table
SQL> select * from fnd_oam_context_files;-- RFS and PFS paths should be there
SQL> select distinct(PATH),EXTRACTVALUE(XMLType(TEXT),'//file_edition_type') as FILE_SYSTEM from FND_OAM_CONTEXT_FILES where NAME not in ('TEMPLATE','METADATA','config.txt') and CTX_TYPE='A' and (status is null or upper(status) in ('S','F')) and EXTRACTVALUE(XMLType(TEXT),'//file_edition_type') in ('run','patch'); -- check RFS/PFS context files uploaded to db or not
$ . ~/EBSapps.env Patch
$ $ADJVAPRG oracle.apps.ad.autoconfig.oam.CtxSynchronizer action=upload contextfile=$CONTEXT_FILE logfile=~/patchctxupload.log
$ adautocfg.sh
Query 7:
SQL> select ad_patch.is_patch_applied('R12',-1,20034256) from dual; -- (Doc ID 1963046.1) EXPLICIT=applied, NOT APPLIED = not applied / aborted
Query 8:
SQL> select * from ad_bugs where bug_number in('31745969','31206584','30980446')
grep s_shared_file_system $CONTEXT_FILE
Thanks for Reading
Mohammed Areefuddin.
Suggested Topics :
R1229 M7 Clone | ||||
RAC DataGuard | Pluggable DB Clone | |||
appsutil for DB | ||||
JDK JRE upgrade | ||||
Add EBS Node | ||||
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