Hi, in this topic we learn how to create Full Clone of EBS Database & Application release EBS R12.2.9 on Solaris Sparc Server.
Cloning Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2 with Rapid Clone (Doc ID 1383621.1)
Database Initialization Parameters for Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12 (Doc ID 396009.1)
OS Check before Prepare:
root@ebsprodapp3:~# cat /etc/release
Oracle Solaris 11.4 SPARC
Copyright (c) 1983, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Assembled 26 March 2020
root@ebsprodapp3:~#root@ebsprodapp3:~# uname -a
SunOS ebsprodapp3 5.11 sun4v sparc sun4v
SunOS ebsprodapp3 5.11 sun4v sparc sun4v
root@ebsprodapp3:~# prtconf
System Configuration: Oracle Corporation sun4v
Memory size: 391680 Megabytes
System Peripherals (Software Nodes):
prtconf: devinfo facility not available
root@ebsprodapp3:~# pkg info entire
Name: entire
Summary: entire incorporation including Support Repository Update
(Oracle Solaris
Description: This package constrains system package versions to the same
build. WARNING: Proper system update and correct package
selection depend on the presence of this incorporation.
Removing this package will result in an unsupported system.
For more information see:
Category: Meta Packages/Incorporations
State: Installed
Publisher: solaris
Version: 11.4 (Oracle Solaris
Packaging Date: Thu Mar 26 17:29:32 2020
Last Install Time: Wed Oct 14 20:51:30 2020
Size: 2.52 kB
FMRI: pkg://solaris/entire@11.4-
New Clone Procedure to clone from RAC – ASM EBS DB Instance to Non-RAC ASM clone Server:
Source EBS Instance – PROD
EBS Applications Size -> 63 GB
EBS Database (ORACLE_HOME & DATAFILES) -> 23+750 GB
- du -sh $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/audit Before preparing source machine delete audit file --- if required mv & recreate same folder name
- RMAN old backup delete for controlfile in home
- Run gather schema on prod before a day of clone
- cat $ORACLE_HOME/oraInst.loc (create same as in oraInst.loc)
- create pfile from spfile; --- AHCTEST sp/pfile Backup or copy spfile
- Before deleting Target Instance (TestM7 & UPGTEST) take backup of init, spfile, orapwSID, (listener, tns, sqlnet files) --- if required
- lsnrctl status SIDNAME –-- cat $TNS_ADMIN/listener.ora to check clone port number to recreate
- create pfile='/export/home/oramgr/initAHCTEST12042021.ora' from spfile;
- cwallet, ewallet –Backup before delete Instance if ssl was configured
- inform corresponding team/company(AJ) to backup their scripts before drop
Target servers existing DB port if need to re use::
grep PORT $TNS_ADMIN/listener.ora --current db port configured for Clone/Target DB server
grep login $CONTEXT_FILE --current apps port configured for Clone/Target DB server
Regular logs files to delete from PROD Run FS -- not for cloning . If files not deleted, then java heap size error during fsclone . Do not delete or rename the current file or logs folder directly GRID Listener (alert & trace)logs: du -sh /u01/app/grid/diag/tnslsnr/$HOSTNAME/* RDBMS Generated Logs:: du -sh /u01/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/prod/$ORACLE_SID du -sh $ORACLE_HOME/dbs #verified,tested it is safe to remove core_* folders du -sh $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/audit Application Generated Logs du -sh $PATCH_TOP $PATCH_TOP/* du -sh $EBS_DOMAIN_HOME/servers/* du -sh $IAS_ORACLE_HOME/instances/* (or) du -sh $IAS_ORACLE_HOME/instances/EBS_web_OHS*/diagnostics/logs/OHS/EBS_web/ if log files in EBS domain server folder (Admin, forms & oacore_server) have reached more than 10GB the delete all acess0, log0 & out0 files: (alternately carefully delete first command by *000* for most of all logs at once) cd $EBS_DOMAIN_HOME/servers/AdminServer/logs/ rm access.log0* AdminServer.log0* EBS_domain.log0* cd $EBS_DOMAIN_HOME/servers/forms_server1/logs/ rm access.log0* forms_server1.log0* forms_server1.out0* cd $EBS_DOMAIN_HOME/servers/oacore_server1/logs rm access.log0* oacore_server1.out0* oacore_server1.log0* cd $EBS_DOMAIN_HOME/servers/oacore_server2/logs rm access.log0* oacore_server2.out0* oacore_server2.log0* cd $EBS_DOMAIN_HOME/servers/oacore_server3/logs rm access.log0* oacore_server3.out0* oacore_server3.log0* |
Monthly once delete only conc request logs folder but not from output folder: du -sh $APPLCSF/log find $APPLCSF/log -type f | wc -l find $APPLCSF/log | wc -l cd $APPLCSF/log --file name ---find1rm.sh--- ls |wc -l ls -ltr $APPLCSF/log/find1rm.sh find . -type f -name "*.req" -mtime +3 -exec rm {} \; after this run fsclone to synchronize with Patch FSMonthly once delete OS ExaWatcher Archives from root partition on Super Cluster Machine: only on ALL DB Serevers: du -sh /opt/oracle.ExaWatcher/archive/* cd /opt/oracle.ExaWatcher/archive/RDSinfo.ExaWatcher find . -type f -name "*.bz2" -mtime +1 |wc -l ls |wc -l find . -type f -name "*.bz2" -mtime +1 -exec rm {} \; rm -rf *.bz2 ls -ltrh |
Worked below db drop option, instead physically deleting files from ASM/OS this deletes DB's C-R-D files plus DB's SPFILE & ARCHIVES logs except current i.e. 2 for th#1 & 3 for th#2)) select NAME from v$controlfile; select file_name from dba_data_files; select name from V$TEMPFILE; select member from v$logfile; archive log list; select group#,thread#,members,status from v$log; select THREAD#, STATUS, ENABLED from v$thread; select group# from V$log where THREAD#=2; col DEST_NAME for a25; col DESTINATION for a50; set linesize 200 pagesize 400; select dest_name,status,destination from v$ARCHIVE_DEST; Method-1 (this drops database plus archivelog files from RECO and spfile also) -bash-4.1$ df -h RMAN> select name,OPEN_MODE from v$database; RMAN> STARTUP FORCE MOUNT RMAN> ALTER SYSTEM ENABLE RESTRICTED SESSION; RMAN> select INST_ID,value from gv$diag_info where name='Diag Trace'; RMAN> delete noprompt archivelog alX; (no need if executing below command) RMAN> DROP DATABASE INCLUDING BACKUPS NOPROMPT; ( worked fine except current i.e. 2 for th#1 & 3 for th#2)) -bash-4.1$ df -h srvctl config database srvctl remove database -d TEST (before duplicate remove any registered database) Informational commands for prod srvctl status database -d $ORACLE_UNQNAME srvctl start database -d $ORACLE_UNQNAME -o mount SQL> ALTER SYSTEM SET CLUSTER_DATABASE=FALSE scope=spfile sid='*'; Method-2 (this drops only controlfile and data files from DATA disk) SQL> shut immediate SQL> startup mount exclusive restrict SQL> drop database; Other useful OS Commands: netstat -tulpn netstat -tulpn |grep LISTEN netstat -tulpn |grep LISTEN |grep /java netstat -tulpn |grep LISTEN |grep /httpd.worker netstat -tulpn |grep LISTEN |grep /tnslsnr [root@rac2 ~]# history | grep key_word_to_find [root@rac2 ~]# screen -ls [root@rac2 ~]# There is a screen on: 29206.pts-0.rac2 (Attached) 1 Socket in /var/run/screen/S-root. [root@rac2 ~]# screen -d -r 29206.pts-0.rac2 [root@rac2 ~]# tmux -f ~/.tmux.conf (force load all customizing in tmux session) [root@rac2 ~]# tmux ls 0: 1 windows (created Tue Dec 14 06:27:17 2021) [200x57] (attached) [root@rac2 ~]# tmux at -t 0 [root@rac2 ~]# [root@rac2 ~]# unzip '*.zip' [root@rac2 ~]# unzip abc.zip -d /u02 OS Tar Commands: root@ebsprodapp4:~# cat /apptarbkp #/usr/bin/tar Ecf - /u01/AHC | gzip -3 - > /mnt1/BKP_DIR/APPS/AHC.tar.gz /usr/bin/tar Ecf - /u01/AHC | gzip -3 - > /u01/BKP-DAILY/AHC.tar.gz root@ebsprodapp4:~# tar Ecf - /u01/AHC/fs2/EBSapps <--do not execute tar cmd like this. As it will create all folders as in path /u01/AHC/fs2 inside when you untar at Targeted Clone Server. Go to the path where EBSapps folder in Run File and use below cmd only. root@ebsprodapp4:/u01/AHC/fs2# tar Ecf - EBSapps | gzip -3 - > /u01/BKP-DAILY/EBSapps_15022021.tar.gz (approx. 1Hr 40+ Mins & wknd 1hr) after SCP (approx. …5 Mins in M7 100mb/sec) for untar application: root@ebsprodapp4:~# gunzip EBSapps_20.tar.gz (approx. 11 Mins M7 wknd) root@ebsprodapp4:~# time tar -xvf EBSapps_20.tar EBSapps (approx. 7 Mins) Regular Command tar gunzip: tar -C /u01/AHC/ -cvzf /u01nfshare/backup_prod/10082017/EBSapps.tar.gz EBSapps (to tar in different loc. & Exclude path while uncompress) root@ebsprodapp4:/u01/AHC/fs2# tar -cvzf /u01/AHC/tar_bkp_EBSapps_fs2/EBSapps_fs2_10042021.tar.gz EBSapps ps -eo pid,lstart,cmd|grep -i 'sqlplus\|adop\|tar.gz\|zip' (to check tar session start time) Compress dumpfile with tar (E) if file size is more than 10GB in Solaris: root@ebstestdb:/u01/app/oramgr/expdp# tar -cvzf AJ_LIVE_26062021.dmp.tar.gz AJ_LIVE_26062021.dmp Compressing 'AJ_LIVE_26062021.dmp.tar.gz' with '/usr/bin/gzip'... tar: AJ_LIVE_26062021.dmp too large to archive. Use E function modifier. root@ebstestdb:/u01/app/oramgr/expdp# tar -Ecvzf AJ_LIVE_26062021.dmp.tar.gz AJ_LIVE_26062021.dmp scp EBSapps_fs2_10042021.tar.gz root@ root@ebstestapp:/u01/OCI# time tar -xvzf EBSapps_fs2_10042021.tar.gz -C /u01/OCI/fs2 |
Start the Application and database Pre clone and tar files creation:
Solaris Commands: Application tar backup with gunzip in Solaris 11: Start Application Tar Backup for EBSapps directory: Source Database Size including temp and Redo logs: select 'DATA_n_INDEX: ' || sum(bytes)/1024/1024/1024 || ' GBytes' DATABASE_SIZE from dba_data_files union select 'TEMP: ' || sum(bytes)/1024/1024/1024 || ' GBytes' from dba_temp_files union select 'REDO LOGS: ' || sum(bytes)/1024/1024/1024 || ' GBytes' from v$log union select 'CONTROLFILE: ' || sum(FILE_SIZE_BLKS*BLOCK_SIZE)/1024/1024 || ' MBytes' from v$controlfile; -- select CPU_CORE_COUNT_CURRENT,CPU_COUNT_CURRENT from V$LICENSE; -- top -> 1 applahc@ebsprodapp4:~$ cd $ADMIN_SCRIPTS_HOME applahc@ebsprodapp4:~$ ls -ltrh $COMMON_TOP/*/FMW/FMW_Home.jar applahc@ebsprodapp4:~$ ls -ltrh $INST_TOP/logs/appl/admin/log/adst*.log (verify when last restarted apps) applahc@ebsprodapp4:~$ ls -ltrh $INST_TOP/admin/log/clone/StageAppsTier_*.log (verify when last ran preclone) applahc@ebsprodapp4:scripts$ time perl $ADMIN_SCRIPTS_HOME/adpreclone.pl appsTier (approx. 35mins) select to_char(RESETLOGS_TIME, 'DD-MON-YYYY, hh24:mi:ss') from v$database;--(when database was cloned) oramgr@ebsproddb1:~$ cd $ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/scripts/$CONTEXT_NAME oramgr@ebsproddb1:~$ oramgr@ebsproddb1:~$ perl $ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/scripts/$CONTEXT_NAME/adpreclone.pl dbTier (approx. 2mins) root@ebsproddb1:/u01/app/oramgr/product/12.1.0# tar -cvzf 12cdb1_10042021.tar.gz dbhome_1 (approx. 30mins) Compress dumpfile with tar (E) if file size is more than 10GB in Solaris: #/$ tar -C /home/oracle/expdp/ -cvzf /home/oracle/expdp/AJ_LIVE_27092021.dmp.tar.gz AJ_LIVE_27092021.dmp (to tar in different loc. & Exclude path /home/oracle/expdp while uncompress) Untar to different location with in server: tar -C /u01/AHC/fs2 -cvzf /u02/CLONE_FILES/EBSapps_fs2_10042021.tar.gz EBSapps (to tar in different loc. & Exclude path while uncompress) scp 12cdb1.tar -- copy oracle home tar to target. root@ebstestapp:/u02/CLONE_FILES# time tar -xvzf EBSapps_fs2_10042021.tar.gz -C /u01/AHCTEST/fs2 (approx. 3hrs)(approx. 35mins) |
While Cloning on a newly Installed Linux Server:
Section-1 User Creation in Solaris 11.4 For a new ASM Instance create new user with ASM groups root@ebstestdb:~# cat /etc/passwd root@ebstestdb:~# root@ebstestdb:~# mkdir /export/home/oraar root@ebstestdb:~# mkdir -p /u01/app/oraar/product/ root@ebstestdb:~# touch /export/home/oraar/.profile <-- cp /export/home/oramgr/.profile /export/home/oraar userdel oracle userdel grid groupdel oinstall groupdel dba groupdel asmdba groupdel asmadmin groupdel asmoper rm -rf /var/mail/oracle rm -rf /home/oracle/ rm -rf /var/mail/grid rm -rf /home/grid groupadd -g 1010 oinstall groupadd -g 1011 dba groupadd -g 1012 asmdba groupadd -g 1013 asmadmin groupadd -g 1014 asmoper ----------- useradd -u 1100 -g asmadmin -G dba,asmdba,oinstall,asmoper oracle useradd -u 1100 -g oinstall -G dba,asmdba,asmadmin,asmoper oracle useradd -u 1101 -g oinstall -G dba,asmdba,asmadmin,asmoper grid [root@EBSAPP01 rda]# useradd -u 1100 -g oinstall -G dba applmgr useradd -u 1002 -g oinstall -G dba,asmdba,asmadmin -s /usr/bin/sh oraar <-- This will not execute useradd -u 1002 -g oinstall -G dba,asmdba,asmadmin oraar <-- for a New User useradd -g dba applar <-- for Application User usermod -s /usr/bin/sh oraar <--orardate bash of user usermod -g oinstall -G dba,asmdba,asmoper,racoper oraar <-- for update groups of an existing user passwd oraar <-- update password oraar12 root@ebstestdb:~# chown -R oraar:oinstall /export/home/oraar/ chown oraar:oinstall /export/home/oraar/.profile chown -R oraar:oinstall /u01/app/oraar ################################################################################################################ ################################################################################################################ Section-2 Initial Setup for New Installed Linux Server While configuring clone on new Server make sure all server checks set Acc. run all required prechecks: After Linux Admin had hand over the newly created server, verify on yourself ALL basic server checks like 1. firewall/Selinux 2. Network Setup/Internet/DNS 3. Global Inventory Setup 4. RDA Reports Status 5. Other Basic Server Checks if required 6. Yum Installation for Required Preinstallations: -. Finally re-run again RDA Report to verify missing settings Oracle E-Business Suite Installation and Upgrade Notes Release 12 (12.2) for Linux x86-64 (Doc ID 1330701.1) Oracle E-Business Suite Release Notes, Release 12.2 (Doc ID 1320300.1) 1. Firewall disable in Linux 7,6: (RC-40201: Unable to connect to Database for client connections) firewall-cmd --list-all systemctl status firewalld <- in Linux 7,8 systemctl stop firewalld systemctl disable firewalld firewall-cmd --state systemctl status avahi-daemon systemctl stop avahi-daemon systemctl disable avahi-daemon ss -tulpn netstat -tulpn |grep -i listen netstat -tulpn |grep -i vnc nc -zv uatapp01 8015 nc -zv uatdb01 1521 systemctl start firewalld firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port={8010/tcp,7011/tcp,7021/tcp} firewall-cmd --permanent --remove-port={8010/tcp,7011/tcp,7021/tcp} firewall-cmd --add-port=5901/tcp --perm (default vnc port 5900+N) firewall-cmd --add-port=1626/tcp --perm (FNDFS port for shared CM as per Appl. 8000 port) firewall-cmd --reload firewall-cmd --list-all service iptables status <- in Linux 6 service iptables stop chkconfig --list iptables chkconfig iptables off [root@rac1 ~]# sestatus [root@rac1 ~]# grep SELINUX /etc/selinux/config [root@rac1 ~]# grep SELINUX /etc/sysconfig/selinux SELINUX=disabled 2. Network Setup/Internet/DNS: # cat /etc/hosts # ping with IP and hostname b/w DB,APPS, Source,Target # ping www.google.com # ping yum.oracle.com # nslookup newhost (check if Linux Admin added new server to DNS Server) # tnsping newserver (DB port test from other host to new server if available) 3. Create Global Inventory Folders: [root@rac1 ~]# cat /etc/oraInst.loc #define global inventory inventory_loc=/u01/app/oraInventory inst_group=oinstall [root@rac1 ~]# mkdir -p /u01/app/oraInventory [root@rac1 ~]# chown -R oracle:oinstall /u01/app/oraInventory [root@rac1 ~]# chmod -R 775 /u01/app/oraInventory 4. RDA Reports Status (Option 25 for EBS R12.2) Remote Diagnostic Agent (RDA) - Getting Started (Doc ID 314422.1) How To Generate HCVE Report - Step By Step Instructions (Doc ID 2324096.1) [oracle/applmgr@rac1 ~]$ unzip p21769913_204201020_Linux-x86-64.zip [oracle/applmgr@rac1 ~]$ cd rda [oracle/applmgr@rac1 rda]$ ./rda.sh -T hcve 5. Other Basic Server Checks if required before/after yum (Swap, Storage) # top #option-1 for core check # free -hw #memory check # grep Huge /proc/meminfo # vi /etc/security/limits.d/oracle-ebs-server-R12-preinstall.conf # sysctl -p # grep kernel.sem /etc/sysctl.conf (or) ipcs -ls # grep SwapTotal /proc/meminfo SwapTotal: 30716272 kB # df -h # cat /etc/fstab # dbcli list-dbhomes -for list of RDBMS database home on server 6. Yum Installation for Required Preinstallations: Oracle Linux: Yum Mirror Configuration Error: 'Repository "repo_name" is listed more than once in the configuration' When Setting Up A Client (Doc ID 2164184.1) Backup files before yum updates: # cp /etc/sysctl.conf /etc/sysctl.conf_bkp # cp /etc/sysconfig/network /etc/sysconfig/network_bkp # cp /etc/resolv.conf /etc/resolv.conf_bkp # cp /etc/security/limits.conf /etc/security/limits.conf_bkp No package oracle-ebs-server-R12-preinstall available. # ping yum.oracle.com # cd /etc/yum.repos.d/ # grep -A5 latest /etc/yum.repos.d/* # grep -A5 addon /etc/yum.repos.d/* # ls -ltrh /etc/yum.repos.d/*.repo (if there is more than 1 *.repo file the rename to bkp and try again) # mv /etc/yum.repos.d/oracle-linux-ol7.repo /etc/yum.repos.d/oracle-linux-ol7.repo_bkp # mv /etc/yum.repos.d/public-yum-ol7.repo /etc/yum.repos.d/public-yum-ol7.repo_bkp # wget https://yum.oracle.com/public-yum-ol7.repo - enable as shown in EBS Installation doc (Doc ID 1330701.1) ol6_latest ol6_addons ol6_UEK_latest (not available in ol7.repo) # yum search oracle-ebs oracle-rdbms oracle-database (for EBS-R12, 11g,12c,18c,19c,21c) # yum search oracle-database-preinstall (for RDBMS 19c, 21c, 23c on OL8) # yum search oracle-ebs-server-R12-preinstall # yum search openmotif21 xorg-x11-libs-compat (not required for OL8 instead check below) # yum -y install oracle-ebs-server-R12-preinstall # yum -y install openmotif21 # yum -y install xorg-x11-libs-compat # rpm -qa oracle-ebs* oracle-ebs-server-R12-preinstall-1.0-5.el7.x86_64 # rpm -qa openmotif21 openmotif21-2.1.30-11.el7.i686 # rpm -qa xorg-x11-libs-compat xorg-x11-libs-compat-6.8.2-1.EL.33.0.1.i386 -. Finally re-run again RDA Report to verify missing settings for OL8 version use below mentioned rpms only ========================= OL8 asmlib & kmod 2.0.8-17 https://www.oracle.com/linux/downloads/linux-asmlib-v8-downloads.html https://yum.oracle.com/repo/OracleLinux/OL8/8/baseos/base/x86_64/index.html # sudo ls -l /boot/vmlinuz* # grubby --set-default /boot/vmlinuz-4.18.0-477.27.1.el8_8.x86_64 # reboot # rpm -ivh screen-4.6.2-12.el8.x86_64.rpm - 19c need addtional ASM rpms for OL8 DB-Server rpm -ivh oracleasmlib-2.0.17-1.el8.x86_64 rpm -ivh kmod-redhat-oracleasm-2.0.8-17.0.2.el8.x86_64 yum install -y oracleasm-support - Additional rpms error during 12 & 19c run installer and Tech stack as well in OL8 DB-Server yum install -y gcc yum install -y elfutils-libelf-devel-0.189-3.el8.x86_64 yum install -y compat-openssl10-1.0.2o-4.el8_6.x86_64 yum install -y gcc-c++-8.5.0-20.0.1.el8.x86_64 pwd [root@testdb01 rda]# cat /etc/oracle-release Oracle Linux Server release 8.10 [root@testdb01 rda]# uname -r 4.18.0-477.27.1.el8_8.x86_64 [root@testdb01 rda]# rpm -qa |grep oracleasm oracleasmlib-2.0.17-1.el8.x86_64 oracleasm-support-2.1.12-1.el8.x86_64 kmod-redhat-oracleasm-2.0.8-17.0.2.el8.x86_64 [root@testdb01 rda]# [root@testdb01 rda]# oracleasm status Checking if ASM is loaded: yes Checking if /dev/oracleasm is mounted: yes [root@testdb01 rda]# - For GRID and RDBMS Installation in OL8 DB-Server error [INS-06003] Failed to setup passwordless SSH connectivity with the following node(s): [oracle clusterware infrastructure warning in olsnodes [root@uatdb01 ~]# rm -rf .ssh [root@uatdb01 ~]# ssh-keygen -t rsa [root@uatdb01 ~]# ssh-copy-id uatdb02 [root@uatdb01 ~]# ssh uatdb02 [root@uatdb02 ~]# rm -rf .ssh [root@uatdb02 ~]# ssh-keygen -t rsa [root@uatdb02 ~]# ssh-copy-id uatdb01 [root@uatdb02 ~]# ssh uatdb01 - same for grid and oracle users [grid@uatdb01 ~]$ rm -rf .ssh [grid@uatdb01 ~]$ ssh-keygen -t rsa [grid@uatdb01 ~]$ ssh-copy-id grid@uatdb02 [grid@uatdb01 ~]$ ssh grid@uatdb02 [grid@uatdb02 ~]$ rm -rf .ssh [grid@uatdb02 ~]$ ssh-keygen -t rsa [grid@uatdb02 ~]$ ssh-copy-id grid@uatdb01 [grid@uatdb02 ~]$ ssh grid@uatdb01 - after setting up ssh click on test instead of setup in grid installation +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ - Application Tier OL8.9 dualfs error: update OL8 parameter in file follwoing refhost https://samappsdba.blogspot.com/2022/05/ebs-122-clone-fails-in-fmw-pre-checks.html Rapid Clone fails at Precheck on LINUX Operating System with error "NonCertifiedLINUXVersion" (Doc ID 2798086.1) ls -ltrh $FMW_HOME/webtier/inventory/Scripts/prereq/linux64/refhost.xml <OPERATING_SYSTEM> <VERSION VALUE="8"/> - If got below forms error and application server is running on OL8 then follow EBS Installation doc (Doc ID 1330701.1) Create required link to Motif library (Oracle Linux 7 and 8, RHEL 7 and 8, and SLES 12 and 15 only) FRM-92101: There was a failure in forms server during startup. Perform the following command (as root on your system) to create a required link to the Motif library for Oracle Forms and Reports: # cd /usr/lib # ln -s libXm.so.4.0.4 libXm.so.2 # ls -ltrh libXm.so.2 lrwxrwxrwx. 1 root root 14 Jul 14 00:32 libXm.so.2 -> libXm.so.4.0.4 2. Restart Forms Server or Application Tier Services |
Untar oracle binaries:
Untar to different location with in server: tar -C /u01/AHC/ -cvzf /u01nfshare/backup_prod/10082017/apps.tar.gz apps (to tar in different loc. & Exclude path while uncompress) tar -xvzf apps.tar.gz -C /u01/CLONE (to untar in different loc.) root@ebstestdb:~# mv /u01/app/oratest/product/ /u01/app/oratest/product/ root@ebstestdb:~# tar -xvzf 12cdb1.tar -C /u01/app/oratest/product/ root@ebstestdb:~# chown -R oratest:dba dbhome_1 |
set user profile
VI Editor ###--- a append text, after the cursor position ###--- o open new line below cursor, enter insert mode ###--- yyp -- to copy current line and paste just after. ###--- j and k move down and up one line, so 10j and 10k move down and up ten lines. You can repeat any motion by putting a number before it. ###--- dd is to delete one line, so 10dd deletes up to 10 line below from cursor. root@ebstestdb:~# su - /oramgr/ root@ebstestdb:~# vi .profile ### user oramgr settings with $ORACLE_HOME #export ORACLE_UNQNAME=AHCTEST export ORACLE_SID=AHCTEST export ORACLE_BASE=/u01/app/oramgr export ORACLE_HOME=$ORACLE_BASE/product/12.1.0/dbhome_1 export PATH=/usr/local/bin:$ORACLE_HOME/bin:$ORACLE_HOME/perl/bin:$ORACLE_HOME/jdk/jre/bin:/usr/ccs/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:$ORACLE_HOME/OPatch:$PATH export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$ORACLE_HOME/lib:/usr/dt/lib:/usr/openwin/lib:$ORACLE_HOME/ctx/lib:$ORACLE_HOME/lib32 export LIBPATH=$ORACLE_HOME/lib:/usr/dt/lib:/usr/openwin/lib:$ORACLE_HOME/ctx/lib:$ORACLE_HOME/lib32 export PERL5LIB=$ORACLE_HOME/perl/lib:$ORACLE_HOME/perl/lib/site_perl:$ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/perl export ADPERLPRG=$ORACLE_HOME/perl/bin/perl export ORA_NLS10=$ORACLE_HOME/nls/data/9idata #. /u01/app/oramgr/product/ echo 'Sourcing-------------->>>>> NPROD1_hq01-nebsdb01.env' Save the profile options and relogin with new parameters: su – oramgr cat .profile |
Relink RDBMS Binaries:
cd $ORACLE_HOME/bin pwd relink all cd $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/lib pwd make -f ins_rdbms.mk rac_off cd $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/lib pwd make -f ins_rdbms.mk ioracle pwd | Step - 1 relink all Step - 2 make rac_off Step - 3 make ioracle |
if ORACLE_HOME is not
generated from Source, then check nls & perl)
echo $ORA_NLS10
cd /u01/app/oramgr/product/
Interoperability Notes EBS Release 12.2 with Database 12cR1 ( (Doc ID 1959604.1)
create 9idata check any interoperability notes (Doc ID 1612017.1))
perl $ORACLE_HOME/nls/data/old/cr9idata.pl
which perl
echo $PERL5LIB
perl -v
Perl version should be same as version in Source. 5.14 (when
EBS_DB.env is sourced)
check perl –v before starting dbTechStack….the version should be 5.14 and which perl should point to perl in oracle_home….
Running Rapid Clone with command:
tar -cvzf $ORACLE_HOME/perl_source.tar.gz $ORACLE_HOME/perl (Worked)
Beginning rdbms home Apply - Thu Sep 10 13:30:56 2020
/u01/app/oramgr/product/ -Xmx600M -DCONTEXT_VALIDATED=true -Doracle.installer.oui_loc=/u01/app/oramgr/product/ -classpath /u01/app/oramgr/product/ oracle.apps.ad.clone.ApplyDBTechStack -e /u01/app/oramgr/product/ -stage /u01/app/oramgr/product/ -showProgress
APPS Password : Log file located at /u01/app/oramgr/product/
| 0% completed RC-00110: Fatal: Error occurred while
relinking of ApplyDBTechStack
ERROR while running Apply...
Thu Sep 10 13:31:43 2020
ERROR: Failed to execute /u01/app/oramgr/product/
Please check logfile.
oramgr@ebstestdb: ls -ltr $ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/log/$CONTEXT_NAME/* (ohclone.log)
Error Reported 1: with RC-00110 To avoid Above Error do below OR Test by doing same as APPS Inventory: Add the below oraInst.loc file in dbhome and Create Directory “oraInventory” in ORACLE_HOME vi $ORACLE_HOME/oraInst.loc inventory_loc=/u01/app/oramgr/product/ inst_group=oinstall cd $ORACLE_HOME ls -ltr $ORACLE_HOME/ora* mkdir -p $ORACLE_HOME/oraInventory chmod -R 777 $ORACLE_HOME/oraInventory/ ls -ltr $ORACLE_HOME/ora* pwd Error Reported 2: with RC-00110 (jdk and jre versions mis match) [oracle@uatdb01 ~]$ $ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/jre/bin/java -version java version "1.7.0_17" Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.7.0_17-b02) Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 23.7-b01, mixed mode) [oracle@uatdb01 ~]$ $ORACLE_HOME/jdk/jre/bin/java -version java version "1.6.0_75" Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_75-b13) Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 20.75-b01, mixed mode) [oracle@uatdb01 ~]$ [oracle@uatdb01 ~]$ du -sh $ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/jre 132M jre [oracle@uatdb01 ~]$ du -sh $ORACLE_HOME/jdk/jre 95M jre_old/ [oracle@uatdb01 ~]$ [oracle@uatdb01 ~]$ mv $ORACLE_HOME/jdk/jre $ORACLE_HOME/jdk/jre_old [oracle@uatdb01 ~]$ cp -r $ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/jre/ $ORACLE_HOME/jdk/ [oracle@uatdb01 ~]$ WARNING: RC-50013: Fatal: Instantiate driver did not complete successfully. tailf $ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/log/$CONTEXT_NAME/ohclone.log SEVERE:Abnormal program termination. An internal error has occured. Please provide the following files to Oracle Support : "/u01/app/oracle/product/12.1.0/dbhome_1/oraInventory_old/logs/oraInstall2022-11-20_11-06-56AM.err" "/u01/app/oracle/product/12.1.0/dbhome_1/oraInventory_old/logs/oraInstall2022-11-20_11-06-56AM.out" "/u01/app/oracle/product/12.1.0/dbhome_1/oraInventory_old/logs/oraInstall2022-11-20_11-06-56AM.log" ERRORCODE = 255 ERRORCODE_END [root@uatdb01 ~]# cat /u01/app/oracle/product/12.1.0/dbhome_1/oraInventory_old/logs/oraInstall2022-11-20_11-06-56AM.err Exception java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: oracle/sysman/ccr/collector/install/InvalidValueException : Unsupported major.minor version 51.0 occurred.. java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: oracle/sysman/ccr/collector/install/InvalidValueException : Unsupported major.minor version 51.0 at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass1(Native Method) at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClassCond(ClassLoader.java:637) at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass(ClassLoader.java:621) at java.security.SecureClassLoader.defineClass(SecureClassLoader.java:141) at java.net.URLClassLoader.defineClass(URLClassLoader.java:283) at java.net.URLClassLoader.access$000(URLClassLoader.java:58) at java.net.URLClassLoader$1.run(URLClassLoader.java:197) at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method) at java.net.URLClassLoader.findClass(URLClassLoader.java:190) at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:306) at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(Launcher.java:301) at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:247) at oracle.sysman.oii.oiif.oiifw.OiifwOCMInfoWCDE.<init>(OiifwOCMInfoWCDE.java:103) at oracle.sysman.oii.oiic.OiicCloneSession.getIterElements(OiicCloneSession.java:1133) at oracle.sysman.oii.oiic.OiicPullSession.initialize(OiicPullSession.java:1423) at oracle.sysman.oii.oiic.OiicSessionWrapper.initialize(OiicSessionWrapper.java:784) at oracle.sysman.oii.oiic.OiicSessionWrapper.initialize(OiicSessionWrapper.java:768) at oracle.sysman.oii.oiic.OiicInstaller.run(OiicInstaller.java:568) at oracle.sysman.oii.oiic.OiicInstaller.runInstaller(OiicInstaller.java:969) at oracle.sysman.oii.oiic.OiicInstaller.main(OiicInstaller.java:906) [root@uatdb01 ~]# [root@uatdb01 ~]# =========================================================== For the below need to try wirh Global Inventory remove home if already exist, Try next time with attach and detach command, anyways above will also work: [root@rac1 ~]$ [root@rac1 ~]$ chown -R oraoci:oinstall /u01/app/oraInventory ß if required [oraoci@rac1 ~]$ cat /var/opt/oracle/oraInst.loc inventory_loc=/u01/app/oraInventory inst_group=oinstall [oraoci@rac1 ~]$ cat /u01/app/oraInventory/ContentsXML/inventory.xml <?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes" ?> <!-- Copyright (c) 1999, 2021, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. --> <!-- Do not modify the contents of this file by hand. --> <INVENTORY> <VERSION_INFO> <SAVED_WITH></SAVED_WITH> <MINIMUM_VER></MINIMUM_VER> </VERSION_INFO> <HOME_LIST> <HOME NAME="OraDB19Home1" LOC="/u01/app/oraoci/product/" TYPE="O" IDX="1"/> </HOME_LIST> <COMPOSITEHOME_LIST> </COMPOSITEHOME_LIST> </INVENTORY> oraoci@rac1:~$ [oraoci@rac1 bin]$ [oraoci@rac1 bin]$ $ORACLE_HOME/oui/bin/runInstaller -silent -attachHome -invPtrLoc /var/opt/oracle/oraInst.loc ORACLE_HOME="/u01/app/oraoci/product/" ORACLE_HOME_NAME="OraGI19Home1" [oraoci@rac1 ~]$ [oraoci@rac1 bin]$ $ORACLE_HOME/oui/bin/runInstaller -detachHome /u01/app/oraoci/product/ -invPtrLoc /var/opt/oracle/oraInst.loc [oraoci@rac1 bin]$ [oraoci@rac1 ~]$ cat /u01/app/oraInventory/ContentsXML/inventory.xml [oraoci@rac1 ~]$ |
opatch lsinventory
ß(OPatch failed with error code 73)
Run Perl Script for
Database Tier Configuration:
[oratest@ebstestdb ~]$ ps -ef | grep -i /oramgr/ [oratest@ebstestdb ~]$ ps -ef | grep tns [oratest@ebstestdb ~]$ cd $ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/clone/bin [oratest@ebstestdb bin]$ set <- crosscheck no parameter should set [oratest@ebstestdb bin]$ Make sure you ran 3 relink commands if source home is from RAC DB: NOTE: If intended to use grid port 1521 then Verify 1521 port is free (grid listener) (if you got any error 1521 port already in use then check grid listener port and stop grid listener and retry dbTechStack) [oratest@ebstestdb bin]$ perl adcfgclone.pl dbTechStack (approx. 3Mins) Copyright (c) 2002 Oracle Corporation Redwood Shores, California, USA Oracle Applications Rapid Clone Version 12.0.0 adcfgclone Version 120.31.12010000.12 Enter the APPS password : Running: /oradata/AHC/dbhome_1/appsutil/clone/bin/../jre/bin/java -Xmx600M -cp /oradata/AHC/dbhome_1/appsutil/clone/jlib/java:/or adata/AHC/dbhome_1/appsutil/clone/jlib/xmlparserv2.jar:/oradata/AHC/dbhome_1/appsutil/clone/jlib/ojdbc6.jar oracle.apps. ad.context.CloneContext -e /oradata/AHC/dbhome_1/appsutil/clone/bin/../context/db/CTXORIG.xml -validate -pairsfile /tmp/ adpairsfile_17409.lst -stage /oradata/AHC/dbhome_1/appsutil/clone -dbTechStack 2> /tmp/adcfgclone_17409.err; echo $? > / tmp/adcfgclone_17409.res Log file located at /oradata/AHC/dbhome_1/appsutil/clone/bin/CloneContext_0222110046.log Provide the values required for creation of the new Database Context file. Target System Hostname (virtual or normal) [testdb] : Target Instance is RAC (y/n) [y] : n Target System Database SID : AHCTEST Target System Base Directory : /u01/app/oracle Role separation is supported y/n [n] ? : Target System utl_file_dir Directory List : /usr/tmp Number of DATA_TOP's on the Target System [3] : 1 Target System DATA_TOP Directory 1 : +DATA (init parameter db_file_name_convert) Target System DATA_TOP Directory 1 : /u01/app/oracle/oradata (SID named folder will be added as extension during rman duplicate, so dbf location is /u01/app/oracle/oradata/AHCTEST/datafile/*.dbf) Target System RDBMS ORACLE_HOME Directory [/oradata/AHC/db/tech_st/12.1.0] : /u01/app/oramgr/product/ Do you want to preserve the Display [0.0] (y/n) : n Target System Display [testdb:0.0] : Do you want the the target system to have the same port values as the source system (y/n) [y] ? : n Target System Port Pool [0-99] : 1 Checking the port pool 1 done: Port Pool 1 is free # netstat -tuplen | grep 1521 --->to check running port # netstat -tulpn |grep LISTEN |grep tnslsnr Report file located at /u01/app/oramgr/product/ The new database context file has been created : . . . . . . . . . . APPS Password : Log file located at /u01/app/oramgr/product/ / 0% completed Completed Apply... Mon Sep 28 09:47:36 2020 Starting database listener for AHCTEST: Running: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Running ETCC to check status of DB technology patches... +===============================================================+ | Copyright (c) 2005, 2020 Oracle and/or its affiliates. | | All rights reserved. | | Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2 | | Database EBS Technology Codelevel Checker | +===============================================================+ Validating context file: /u01/app/oraoci/product/ Using context file from command line argument: /u01/app/oraoci/product/ Starting Database EBS Technology Codelevel Checker, Version 120.83 Sat Apr 10 12:21:44 +03 2021 Log file for this session : /u01/app/oraoci/product/ Identifying database release. Database release set to Connecting to database. +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ [WARNING] DB-ETCC: Could not connect to database, so unable to check: - Whether database is in READ-WRITE mode. - Existence of table needed to store DB-ETCC results. - Enablement of database In-Memory option. If this feature is enabled, additional fixes need to be verified. Resolve the database connectivity issue, and then rerun DB-ETCC. +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Running on an Engineered System. Bugfix file /u01/app/oraoci/product/ : 120.0.12020000.58 This file will be used for identifying missing bugfixes. Mapping file /u01/app/oraoci/product/ : 120.0.12020000.33 This file will be used for mapping bugfixes to patches. Checking Bugfix XML file for Obtained list of bugfixes to be applied and the list to be rolled back. Now checking Database ORACLE_HOME. The opatch utility is version DB-ETCC is compatible with this opatch version. Found patch records in the inventory. Checking Mapping XML file for All the required one-off bugfixes are present in Database ORACLE_HOME. [WARNING] Database not available. DB-ETCC results cannot be stored. Finished checking fixes for Oracle Database: Sat Apr 10 12:22:10 +03 2021 Log file for this session: /u01/app/oraoci/product/ ============================================================================ [oratest@ebstestdb ~]$ ps -ef | grep tns [oratest@ebstestdb ~]$ ps -ef |grep -i oratest|wc -l [oratest@ebstestdb ~]$ lsnrctl status $ORACLE_SID <- set Profile with new env and recheck |
Check the log file……it
should show …ApplyDBTechStack Completed Successfully
Once this is done……immediately edit the .profile of /oramgr/ user……
Comment all the values which we had set before starting dbtechstack…..and add in the profile the .env file generated above after dbtechstack completed successfully…like below……
vi ~/.profile
. /u01/app/oratest/product/
su – oratest
lsnrctl status $ORACLE_SID <- Now listener Status should be UP and
Verify OraInventory:
[oratest@ebstestdb ~]$ $ORACLE_HOME/OPatch/opatch version
[oratest@ebstestdb ~]$ $ORACLE_HOME/OPatch/opatch lsinventory |more
[oratest@ebstestdb ~]$ $ORACLE_HOME/OPatch/opatch lsinventory
which opatch ß if not, update PATH in env created add $ORACLE_HOME/OPatch
opatch lsinventory
Check if sqlplus / as
sysdba is connecting to an idle instance or not…….
Modify the init file for
the target clone server
Delete old AHCTEST CRD File
from ASM, so AHCTEST folder also gets Deleted
Copy backup of spfile/pfile/password
file from oracle home
cp ~/spfileAHCTEST.ora $ORACLE_HOME/dbs
cp ~/initAHCTEST.ora $ORACLE_HOME/dbs
cp ~/orapwAHCTEST $ORACLE_HOME/dbs
orapwd file=$ORACLE_HOME/dbs/orapwAHCTEST password=sys4nwr entries=30 force=y --- the password of sys must be same as the sys user of prod db
OR recreate new spfile by modifying created pfile as below:
[oratest@ebstestdb ~]$ cd $ORACLE_HOME/dbs
[oratest@ebstestdb dbs]$ cp $ORACLE_HOME/dbs/init${ORACLE_SID}.ora $ORACLE_HOME/dbs/init${ORACLE_SID}.ora_bkp_cfg
[oratest@ebstestdb dbs]$ cd $ORACLE_HOME/dbs
[oratest@ebstestdb dbs]$ sqlplus / as sysdba
create spfile from pfile;
create pfile from spfile;
ls -ltr
[oratest@ebstestdb dbs]$ mv $ORACLE_HOME/dbs/spfile${ORACLE_SID}.ora $ORACLE_HOME/dbs/spfile${ORACLE_SID}.ora_cfg
[oratest@ebstestdb dbs] vi init${ORACLE_SID}.ora ß ctl, diag, pga, sga, plsql code & add addtnl Duplicate parameters.
*.control_files='+DATA/cntrl01a.dbf','+DATA/cntrl02b.dbf','+DATA/cntrl03c.dbf' #Verify file name dose not exists
*.diagnostic_dest='/u01/app//oramgr/' #$ORACLE_BASE for Alertlog as PROD
*.log_archive_dest_1='LOCATION=+RECO' #Verify loc with crosscheck. +DATA/AHCTEST/ARCHIVELOG/2022_11_17/thread_1_seq_2.439 & Directory in ASM
ORA-15173: entry 'archive' does not exist in directory '/'
#*.log_archive_dest_1='LOCATION=/u01/app/oracle/oradata/archive'#-->Disable to use recovery dest (archive generated as per date folder)
*.pga_aggregate_target=16G # default 1G
*.sga_target=16G # default 2G
*.shared_pool_size=800M # default 400M.
#db_recovery_file_dest='/u01/app/oracle/flash_recovery_area' # $ORACLE_BASE/flash_recovery_area
#db_create_file_dest='/u01/app/oracle/oradata' # $ORACLE_BASE/oradata -> $SID/datafile extended by RMAN in clone
# if restoring from rman bkp pcs add below parameters also
#cluster_database=FALSE # Mandatory if restoring from RMAN bkp pcs.
#db_file_name_convert='+DATA/PROD/DATAFILE','/u01/app/oracle/oradata','+DATA/PROD/TEMPFILE','/u01/app/oracle/oradata' # Set according if restoring from rman bkp pcs for non ASM
#log_file_name_convert='+DATA/PROD/ONLINELOG','+DATA' # Set according if restoring from rman bkp pcs
# mkdir -p /u01/app/oracle/flash_recovery_area
[oratest@ebstestdb dbs]$
[oratest@ebstestdb dbs]$ cp init${ORACLE_SID}.ora init${ORACLE_SID}.ora_rman
[oratest@ebstestdb dbs]$ mv spfile${ORACLE_SID}.ora spfile${ORACLE_SID}.ora_cfg
SPFILE will created Automatically by RMAN we can ignore this step:
sqlplus / as sysdba
create spfile from pfile;
ls -ltr
orapwd file=$ORACLE_HOME/dbs/orapwAHCTEST password=sys4nwr entries=30 force=y --- the password of sys must be same as the sys user of prod db
Add the below prod TNS
entry in the clone server to connect PROD
On Target – clone server - TESTDB
vi $TNS_ADMIN/tnsnames.ora PROD= (DESCRIPTION= (ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST= (ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST= (ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST= (CONNECT_DATA= (SERVICE_NAME=PROD) (INSTANCE_NAME=PROD1) ) ) tnsping PROD Check the tnsping on prod and the clone server….it should be ok…..then start the rmn duplicate …..on both source and target. |
INFORMATIONAL NOTE FOR REFRENCE: (never got such error in clone(AUX)) (UR=A) If UR=A is not added,you will get following error during connection to target in nomount state in next steps:- ORA-12528: TNS:listener: all appropriate instances are blocking new connections The (UR=A) clause for TNS connect strings was created in response to an enhancement request. This clause can be inserted into the “(CONNECT_DATA=” section of a TNS connect string and allow a privileged or administrative user to connect via the listener even when the service handler is blocking connections for non-privileged users. This feature is introduced since Oracle 10g Register in listener SQL>alter system register; |
Add the TNS entries in the
PROD tnsnames.ora for the clone server service name ex:
On Source EBS Instance - PROD
On Target – clone server – TESTDB:
sqlplus / as sysdba startup nomount show parameter spfile; show parameter control_files show parameter plsql_code_type show parameter sga_max_size show parameter sga_target show parameter pga%target show parameter shared_p show parameter db_create_f show parameter db_reco show parameter log_archive_dest_1 show parameter cluster_database show parameter convert
convert used if restore DB from bkp pcs convert parameter keep empty ß+DATA,/oradata/AHC/datafile ß+RECO,/oradata/AHC/fra ß+RECO, BPDATA ß Cluster = false convert parameters keep empty convert used if restore DB from bkp pcs
check, Alert log file location:
select * from v$pwfile_users;
SELECT INST_ID,value from gv$diag_info where name='Diag Trace';select 'tailf '||d.value||'/alert_'||i.INSTANCE_NAME||'.log' from gv$diag_info d,v$instance i where d.name='Diag Trace';
---------------- ------------ -----------------
----------------------------- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----------
grep diagnostic_dest $ORACLE_HOME/dbs/init${ORACLE_SID}.ora
tailf /u01/app/oramgr/diag/rdbms/ahctest/AHCTEST/trace/alert*.log
[oratest@ebstestdb ~]$ ps -ef | grep -i oratest |wc -l
RMAN Connection to Prod for
If there is a restriction in getting PROD sys password then use existing password file for RMAN Duplicate with below steps : (Copy orapwd from ASM to local File system) [grid@ebstestdb~]$ srvctl config database -d PROD . . . . . Spfile: +DATA/spfilePROD.ora Password file: +DATA/orapwPROD Domain: . . . . . [grid@proddb01 ~]$ ASMCMD [+data] > pwcopy +DATA/orapwPROD /home/grid/orapwPROD [oramgr@ebsproddb1 ~]$ cp /home/grid/orapwPROD $ORACLE_HOME/dbs [oramgr@ebsproddb1 ~]$ scp /home/grid/orapwPROD oracle@ebstestdb:$ORACLE_HOME/dbs/orapwAHCTEST To update password file in ASM: [oracle@prod01 ~]$ srvctl config database -d $ORACLE_UNQNAME Password file: +DATA/NEREG/PASSWORD/pwdnereg.316.1132231531 Domain: [oracle@prod01 dbs]$ orapwd file=+DATA/NEREG/PASSWORD/orapwNEREG password=59awestridge_1 dbuniquename='NEREG' entries=30 force=y [oracle@prod01 ~]$ srvctl config database -d $ORACLE_UNQNAME Password file: +DATA/NEREG/PASSWORD/orapwnereg Domain:[oratest@ebstestdb ~]$ cd $ORACLE_HOME/dbs [oratest@ebstestdb ~]$ orapwd file=$ORACLE_HOME/dbs/orapwAHCTEST password=sys4nwr entries=30 force=y [oratest@ebstestdb ~]$ Always try to execute long running scripts in a screen or tmux Session to avoid network disconnection issue: Mode: Source database Should be in Archivelog Mode: -free -h - echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches && swapoff -a && swapon -a && printf '\n%s\n' ' Ram-cache and the swap get cleared' -rman target sys@PROD <- need to check/correct sys connection without password -rman target sys@PROD nocatalog auxiliary sys@AHCTEST -rman target sys/sys4nwr@PROD -rman auxiliary sys/sys4nwr@AHCTEST -sqlplus sys@AHCTEST as sysdba -srvctl config database -d AHCTEST -rman target sys/sys4nwr@PROD nocatalog auxiliary sys/sys4nwr@AHCTEST |& tee ~/rman_dup_`date +%d-%m-%y`.txt Recovery Manager: Release - Production on Mon Sep 28 10:27:42 2020 Copyright (c) 1982, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. connected to target database: PROD (DBID=1307206531) using target database control file instead of recovery catalog connected to auxiliary database: AHCTEST (not mounted) RMAN> RMAN> SHOW DEVICE TYPE; RMAN> SHOW CHANNEL; RMAN> SHOW SNAPSHOT CONTROLFILE NAME; RMAN> check show all; for parallelism make it 10 if not 10 (should be able to show source database configuration) RMAN configuration parameters for database with db_unique_name PROD are: CONFIGURE RETENTION POLICY TO RECOVERY WINDOW OF 5 DAYS; CONFIGURE BACKUP OPTIMIZATION ON; CONFIGURE DEFAULT DEVICE TYPE TO DISK; # default CONFIGURE CONTROLFILE AUTOBACKUP ON; CONFIGURE CONTROLFILE AUTOBACKUP FORMAT FOR DEVICE TYPE DISK TO '%F'; CONFIGURE DEVICE TYPE DISK PARALLELISM 15 BACKUP TYPE TO COMPRESSED BACKUPSET; CONFIGURE DATAFILE BACKUP COPIES FOR DEVICE TYPE DISK TO 1; # default CONFIGURE ARCHIVELOG BACKUP COPIES FOR DEVICE TYPE DISK TO 1; # default CONFIGURE CHANNEL DEVICE TYPE DISK FORMAT '+RECOC1/rmanbkp/%U'; CONFIGURE MAXSETSIZE TO 16200 M; CONFIGURE ENCRYPTION FOR DATABASE OFF; # default CONFIGURE ENCRYPTION ALGORITHM 'AES128'; # default CONFIGURE COMPRESSION ALGORITHM 'BASIC' AS OF RELEASE 'DEFAULT' OPTIMIZE FOR LOAD TRUE ; # default CONFIGURE RMAN OUTPUT TO KEEP FOR 7 DAYS; # default CONFIGURE ARCHIVELOG DELETION POLICY TO APPLIED ON ALL STANDBY; CONFIGURE SNAPSHOT CONTROLFILE NAME TO '+DATAC1/PROD/CONTROLFILE/snapcf_PROD1.f'; CONFIGURE SNAPSHOT CONTROLFILE NAME TO '+DATAC1/PROD/CONTROLFILE/snapcf_PROD1.f'; RMAN Duplication for Target Database (Active DB Cloning): [oratest@ebstestdb~]$ srvctl config database [oratest@ebstestdb~]$ srvctl remove database -d TEST (before duplicate remove any registered database) RMAN> (approx. 12 Mins at parallelism 15) RMAN> (approx. 14 Mins at parallelism 10) RMAN> duplicate database to AHCTEST from active database nofilenamecheck; RMAN> duplicate database to UPGTEST from active database nofilenamecheck; RMAN> duplicate database to AHCOCI11 from active database USING COMPRESSED BACKUPSET nofilenamecheck; (approx. 55 Mins for compressed bkp @10 PARALLELISM) If unable to update parallelism configuration due to any reason run manually for RMAN session; RMAN> show all; RMAN> show AUXILIARY CHANNEL; RMAN> RUN { allocate auxiliary channel t1 type disk; # channels in Run{ will be released by it self when run command complete given tasks by closing "}" allocate auxiliary channel t2 type disk; allocate auxiliary channel t3 type disk; allocate auxiliary channel t4 type disk; allocate auxiliary channel t5 type disk; duplicate database to AHCTEST from active database nofilenamecheck;} The above clone command restore datafile and current(16…?) archives form backup set Make sure you backup a new pfile after completing RMAN create pfile='/u01/app/oracle/product/' from spfile; RMAN> duplicate database to ECCAR from active database nofilenamecheck dorecover; <- this command will not work gives below error Starting Duplicate Db at 11-FEB-21 RMAN-00571: =========================================================== RMAN-00569: =============== ERROR MESSAGE STACK FOLLOWS =============== RMAN-00571: =========================================================== RMAN-03002: failure of Duplicate Db command at 02/11/2021 14:50:05 RMAN-05501: aborting duplication of target database RMAN-05571: DORECOVER specified for non standby duplication RMAN> duplicate database to TESTUAT from active database section size 500M using compressed backupset; --- from standby db This will start restoring the database to target clone server…..check the data top folder to confirm… After the rman duplicate is over…delete password files if created also the tns service names from both prod and clone server……. RMAN Restore From Backup Pieces: [oratest@ebstestdb~]$ srvctl config database [oratest@ebstestdb~]$ srvctl remove database -d TEST (before duplicate remove any registered database) If restoring form RMAN Backup Pieces then follow: Incase if no psu is applied on Oracle Home then you may face error during duplication as mentioned in bleow note, apply patch 19503821 WARNING: failed to start ASMB after RAC Database on ASM converted to Single Instance Non-ASM Database (Doc ID 2138520.1) select NAME from v$controlfile; select file_name from dba_data_files; select name from V$TEMPFILE; select member from v$logfile; [oratest@ebstestdb~]$ $ORACLE_HOME/OPatch/opatch lsinventory | grep 19503821 add below pfile parameters by modifying as per requirement -> create spfile and backup it: cluster_database=false db_file_name_convert='+DATA/PROD/DATAFILE','/u01/app/oracle/DCLONE/DATA','+DATA/PROD/TEMPFILE','/u01/app/oracle/DCLONE/DATA' log_file_name_convert='+RECO/PROD/ONLINELOG','/u01/app/oracle/DCLONE/DATA' #log_archive_dest_1='LOCATION=/u01/app/oracle/DCLONE/DATA/archive' create spfile from pfile; startup nomount exit [oratest@ebstestdb~]$ rman auxiliary / run { ALLOCATE AUXILIARY CHANNEL aux1 DEVICE TYPE DISK; # channles in Run{ will be released by it self when run command complete given tasks by closing "}" ALLOCATE AUXILIARY CHANNEL aux2 DEVICE TYPE DISK; ALLOCATE AUXILIARY CHANNEL aux3 DEVICE TYPE DISK; ALLOCATE AUXILIARY CHANNEL aux4 DEVICE TYPE DISK; ALLOCATE AUXILIARY CHANNEL aux5 DEVICE TYPE DISK; ALLOCATE AUXILIARY CHANNEL aux6 DEVICE TYPE DISK; ALLOCATE AUXILIARY CHANNEL aux7 DEVICE TYPE DISK; duplicate database to AHCTEST backup location '/backup/rman';} no need of providing Release channel if it allocated in Run{ once the duplicate command complete it automatically releases the channel and you wont get below error. Lets make a try with out issuing any duplicate in RUN{ same will happen for normal channel and auxiliary channel. RMAN> RUN { allocate AUXILIARY channel t1 type disk; allocate AUXILIARY channel t2 type disk; allocate AUXILIARY channel t3 type disk;} allocated channel: t1 channel t1: SID=4 device type=DISK allocated channel: t2 channel t2: SID=2006 device type=DISK allocated channel: t3 channel t3: SID=4013 device type=DISK released channel: t1 released channel: t2 released channel: t3 RMAN> RMAN % calculation made as per allotted channels for backup/restore SQL> col OPNAME for a30 set pagesize 1000 set linesize 200; select OPNAME,SOFAR/TOTALWORK*100 PCT, trunc(TIME_REMAINING/60) MIN_RESTANTES, trunc(ELAPSED_SECONDS/60) MIN_ATEAGORA from v$session_longops where TOTALWORK>0 and OPNAME like '%RMAN%'; RMAN Duplicate Transfer Rate for duplicate set linesize 200; SELECT 'DUPLICATE/RESTORE THROUGHPUT', round(SUM(v.value/1024/1024/1024),1) Giga_BYTES_SOFAR, round(SUM(v.value /1024/1024)/nvl((SELECT MIN(elapsed_seconds) FROM v$session_longops WHERE OPNAME LIKE 'RMAN: aggregate input' AND SOFAR != TOTALWORK AND elapsed_seconds IS NOT NULL ),SUM(v.value /1024/1024)),2) mbytes_per_sec,n.name FROM gv$sesstat v, v$statname n, gv$session s WHERE v.statistic#=n.statistic# AND n.name = 'physical write total bytes' AND v.sid = s.sid AND v.inst_id=s.inst_id AND s.program like 'rman@%' GROUP BY 'DUPLICATE/RESTORE THROUGHPUT',n.name; --Query 2 for % complete check SELECT SID, SERIAL#, CONTEXT, SOFAR, TOTALWORK, ROUND (SOFAR/TOTALWORK*100, 2) "% COMPLETE" FROM V$SESSION_LONGOPS WHERE OPNAME LIKE 'RMAN%' AND OPNAME NOT LIKE '%aggregate%' AND TOTALWORK! = 0 AND SOFAR <> TOTALWORK; SELECT 'DUPLICATE/RESTORE THROUGHPUT', round(SUM(v.value/1024/1024),1) mbytes_sofar, round(SUM(v.value /1024/1024)/nvl((SELECT MIN(elapsed_seconds) FROM v$session_longops WHERE OPNAME LIKE 'RMAN: aggregate input' AND SOFAR != TOTALWORK AND elapsed_seconds IS NOT NULL ),SUM(v.value /1024/1024)),2) mbytes_per_sec,n.name FROM gv$sesstat v, v$statname n, gv$session s WHERE v.statistic#=n.statistic# AND n.name = 'physical write total bytes' AND v.sid = s.sid AND v.inst_id=s.inst_id AND s.program like 'rman@%' GROUP BY 'DUPLICATE/RESTORE THROUGHPUT',n.name; |
Recreating Standby for Datagaurd Connection for RMAN:
rman target sys/sys4nwr@PROD auxiliary sys/sys4nwr@AHCSTBY1
RMAN> duplicate target database for standby from active database using compressed backupset nofilenamecheck dorecover;
If dorecover option is not defined, then archives logs will not be shifted to standby. You need to shift using DGBROKER by enabling standby or manually start MRP-recovery mode on standby:
duplicate database to TESTUAT from active database section size 500M using compressed backupset; --- from standby db
Verify datafiles and archives in standby & monitor Alert log
ls -ltr /oradata/AHC/datafiles/
ls -ltr /oradata/AHC/fra/AHCSTBY1/archivelog/
ls -ltr |wc -l
select count(*) from v$dba_data_files;
select INST_ID,value from gv$diag_info where name='Diag Trace';
Enable Flashback on Standby after RMAN duplicate complete
SQL> alter database flashback on;
SQL> alter database recover managed standby database cancel;
SQL> alter database recover managed standby database disconnect from sessions;
Standby Database status and verification of DG Broker:
set linesize 200 pagesize 400;
col name for a10;
col DB_UNIQUE_NAME for a15;
From Primary Database enable standby DB
DGMGRL> show configuration;
Configuration - ahc_dg
Protection Mode: MaxPerformance
PROD - Primary database
ahcstby1 - Physical standby database (disabled)
Fast-Start Failover: DISABLED
Configuration Status:
SUCCESS (status updated 44 seconds ago)
DGMGRL> enable database ahcstby1;
Perform the post duplication steps to remove the 2nd node log files and undo tablespace
set linesize 200 pagesize 400;
col name for a10;
col DB_UNIQUE_NAME for a12;
---------------- ------------ -----------------
select count(*) from DBA_POLICIES;--security policies in DB
select * from dba_registry_sqlpatch;--latest BUNDLE PATCH (BP) in EBS DB
select * from ad_trackable_entities where abbreviation in('ad','txk','atg_pf','fnd','fwk') --,'au','gl','per');--Code Level
SQL> select name from v$controlfile;
SQL> select member from v$logfile;
16 rows selected.
SQL> select group#,thread#,members,status from v$log;
---------- ---------- ---------- ----------------
9 2 2 UNUSED
10 2 2 UNUSED
11 2 2 UNUSED
6 rows selected.
SQL> select THREAD#, STATUS, ENABLED from v$thread;
---------- ------ --------
SQL> select group# from V$log where THREAD#=2;
SQL> select THREAD#, STATUS, ENABLED from v$thread;
select group# from V$log where THREAD#=2;
alter database disable
thread 2;
alter database drop
logfile group 9;
alter database drop
logfile group 10;
alter database drop
logfile group 11;
alter database drop
logfile group 12;
---------- ------ --------
Drop additional undo and temp if required:
show parameter undo
select tablespace_name from dba_tablespaces where contents like 'UNDO';
select TABLESPACE_NAME,sum(bytes)/1024/1024/1024 Allocated_in_GB from dba_data_files d where d.tablespace_name like '%UNDO%' GROUP BY tablespace_name;
------------------------------ ---------------
UNDOTBS2 47.0351563
UNDOTBS1 11.234375
APPS_UNDOTS2 15.6201172
UNDO_2 57.9999847
SQL> drop tablespace APPS_UNDOTS2 including contents and
Tablespace dropped.
TEMP Tablespace drop and recreate checks:
select tablespace_name,status from dba_temp_files;
select group_name, tablespace_name from dba_tablespace_groups;
select TABLESPACE_NAME,tablespace_size/1024/1024/1024 totalGB,ALLOCATED_SPACE/1024/1024/1024 AllocSpaceGB,free_space/1024/1024/1024 FreeSpaceGB from dba_temp_free_space;
SQL> create temporary tablespace TEMP4 tempfile '+DATA' SIZE 2048M GROUP TEMP_GRP;
SQL> alter database default temporary tablespace TEMP_GRP;
#-- Example to add more tempts to group
SQL> create temporary tablespace TEMP5 tempfile '+DATA' SIZE 2048M;
#-- Now drop all tablespace listed in old temp group
SQL> select * from dba_tablespace_groups;
SQL> drop tablespace TEMP1 including contents and datafiles;
SQL> drop tablespace TEMP2 including contents and datafiles;
2) To update the library files (Optional)
$ cd [RDBMS ORACLE_HOME]/appsutil/install/[CONTEXT NAME]
$ sqlplus “/ as sysdba” @adupdlib.sql so
3) TO configure application context inside the database (Optional)
$ cd [RDBMS ORACLE_HOME]/appsutil/clone/bin
$ perl adcfgclone.pl dbconfig [Database target context file]
Where Database target context file is: [RDBMS ORACLE_HOME]/appsutil/[Target CONTEXT_NAME].xml.
Adop Prepare Phase Fails While Calling ad_zd.prepare" With Error "ORA-04031: unable to allocate 256 bytes of shared memory" (Doc ID 2043199.1)
show parameter sga
show parameter pga
show parameter recovery
alter system set sga_max_size=16G scope=spfile sid='*';
alter system set sga_target=12G scope=spfile sid='*';
alter system set pga_aggregate_target=4G scope =spfile sid='*';
alter system set db_recovery_file_dest_size=1500G scope =spfile sid='*';
Solution for adop prepare:
1.Set sga_target = 6g and pga_aggregate_target = 6g for adop.
2.Restart the database.
3.run adop phase=prepare again.
Disable archive log mode on
TARGET clone server
Disable Archivelog mode on TARGET clone Server: SQL> select LOG_MODE,FLASHBACK_ON,FORCE_LOGGING from v$database; LOG_MODE FLASHBACK_ON FORCE_LOGGING ------------ ------------------ --------------------------------------- ARCHIVELOG YES YES SQL> SQL> archive log list; Database log mode Archive Mode Automatic archival Enabled Archive destination /oradata/AHC/testdata/archive Oldest online log sequence 1 Next log sequence to archive 1 Current log sequence 1 SQL> shutdown immediate ß startup mount force; Database closed. Database dismounted. ORACLE instance shut down. SQL> startup mount; ORA-32004: obsolete or deprecated parameter(s) specified for RDBMS instance ORACLE instance started. Total System Global Area 1073741824 bytes Fixed Size 2922264 bytes Variable Size 654313704 bytes Database Buffers 402653184 bytes Redo Buffers 13852672 bytes Database mounted. SQL> select name,open_mode from v$database; NAME OPEN_MODE --------- -------------------- AHCTEST MOUNTED SQL> SQL> alter database noarchivelog; alter database noarchivelog * ERROR at line 1: ORA-38774: cannot disable media recovery - flashback database is enabled SQL> select name,open_mode from v$database; NAME OPEN_MODE --------- -------------------- ECCTEST MOUNTED SQL> SQL> select LOG_MODE,FLASHBACK_ON,FORCE_LOGGING from v$database; LOG_MODE FLASHBACK_ON FORCE_LOGGING ------------ ------------------ --------------------------------------- ARCHIVELOG YES YES SQL> SQL> alter database flashback off; Database altered. SQL> alter database noarchivelog; Database altered. SQL> alter database open; Database altered. SQL> select LOG_MODE,FLASHBACK_ON,FORCE_LOGGING from v$database; LOG_MODE FLASHBACK_ON FORCE_LOGGING ------------ ------------------ --------------------------------------- NOARCHIVELOG NO YES SQL> show edition EDITION ------------------------------ V_20230116_1150 Alter session set edition =V_20230116_1150; show parameter sga show parameter pga show parameter recovery |
FND_NODES clear before
running autoconfig:
Clear fnd nodes before running autoconfig on db to avoid error in apps cloning at autconfig step “txkGenADOPWrapper.pl” (Doc ID 2064223.1) Running AutoConfig generates ORA-04063: Package Body "APPS.AD_ZD_ADOP" Has Errors (Doc ID 2175698.1) SQL> conn apps/appsr12 SQL> SQL> select release_name from apps.fnd_product_groups; RELEASE_NAME -------------------------------------------------- 12.2.9 SQL> SQL> select NODE_NAME from apps.fnd_nodes; NODE_NAME -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EBSPRODDB1 EBSPRODDB2 EBSPRODAPP1 EBSPRODAPP3 EBSPRODAPP4 AUTHENTICATION SQL> select NODE_NAME from fnd_oam_context_files; SQL> How to Synchronize the AD tables FND_NODES, ADOP_VALID_NODES, and FND_OAM_CONTEXT_FILES in 12.2 when adop fails. (Doc ID 2064223.1) SQL> select NODE_NAME from ADOP_VALID_NODES; -- prod apps entries SQL> select NODENAME from ad_nodes_config_status; -- prod apps entries SQL> select NODE_NAME from fnd_oam_context_files; --3:DB(template,metadata,xml) 8:apps( 4-RFS, 4-PFS ) SQL> exec fnd_conc_clone.setup_clean; PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. SQL> SQL> commit; [oratest@ebstestdb ~]$ $ORACLE_HOME/OPatch/opatch lsinventory Finally run autoconfig on DB tier to fix all the configuration [oratest@ebstestdb ~]$ [oratest@ebstestdb ~]$ perl $ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/scripts/$CONTEXT_NAME/adautocfg.sh [oratest@ebstestdb AHCTEST_ebstestdb]$ adautocfg.sh This should complete successfully oraoci@ebstestdb:~$ sqlplus / as sysdba SQL> conn apps/appsr12 Connected. SQL> SQL> SQL> select NODE_NAME from apps.fnd_nodes; NODE_NAME -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EBSTESTDB SQL> select NODE_NAME from ADOP_VALID_NODES; --check status before apps tier cloning select NODENAME from ad_nodes_config_status; --check status before apps tier cloning select NODE_NAME from fnd_oam_context_files; --check status before apps tier cloning To fix adop ETCC Codelevel checker unzip patch and run atleast 1 time on cloned instance: Running ADOP Fails With Error "ETCC Not Run In The Database Node" (Doc ID 2191678.1) While Applying AD Patch, Getting “The following middle tier fixes have not been applied” Even After Applying ETCC Patches (Doc ID 2958876.1) [oratest@ebstestdb:/u01/app/oratest]$ unzip p17537119_R12_GENERIC.zip SQL> select NODE_NAME from apps.TXK_TCC_RESULTS order by check_date desc;--etcc checkdb, checkmt ran or not SQL> select * from apps.TXK_TCC_RESULTS order by check_date desc;--etcc checkdb, checkmt ran or not SQL> Truncate table applsys.TXK_TCC_RESULTS; [oratest@ebstestdb:~]$ sh $ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/etcc/checkDBpatch.sh ß mandatory, if not adop will fail when ever used on instance [oratest@ebstestdb: ~]$ ls -ltrh $ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/etcc/check* [applmgr@ebstestapp:~]$ sh checkMTpatch.sh ß mandatory, if not adop will fail when ever used on instance |
Reset system and Custom Schemas password & Expdp Directory in new Instance:
----------- Check system password status for apps patching and expdp: SQL> conn / as sysdba SQL> select username,account_status,EXPIRY_DATE from dba_users where username like 'SYSTEM'; SQL> ALTER PROFILE DEFAULT LIMIT PASSWORD_LIFE_TIME UNLIMITED; SQL> alter user system identified by manager; Custom schemas password change if any SQL> SQL> alter user ajar_live identified by ajar_live; SQL> alter user ajar_live account unlock; SQL> expdp logical directory creation SQL> SELECT * FROM dba_directories where DIRECTORY_NAME='EXPDP'; Replace Existing EXPDP SQL> create or replace directory expdp as '/u01/app/oracle/expdp'; Directory created. Drop and create EXPDP SQL> drop directory expdp; Directory dropped. SQL> SQL> create directory expdp as '/u01/app/oraar/expdp'; Directory created. SQL> exit [oratest@ebstestdb:~$ mkdir -p /u01/app/oracle/expdp [oratest@ebstestdb:~$ chown oraar:oinstall /u01/app/oracle/expdp [oratest@ebstestdb:~$ chmod -R 777 /u01/app/oracle/expdp/ [oratest@ebstestdb:~$ |
Optional change in Cloned DB Instance:
Setting SQL prompt in SQL*Plus Oracle along with user,connection, date & time (sql beautifier) [oratest@ebstestdb ~]$ cp $ORACLE_HOME/sqlplus/admin/glogin.sql $ORACLE_HOME/sqlplus/admin/glogin.sql_bkp >$vi $ORACLE_HOME/sqlplus/admin/glogin.sql Go-- set time on; set sqlprompt "_user'@'_connect_identifier 'on' _date> " alter session set nls_date_format='dd-Mon-yyyy hh24:mi:ss'; --alter session set nls_date_format='dd/mm/yyyy hh:mi:sspm'; Creating DB alert log link in user's home with customize script: select 'ln -s '||d.value||'/alert_'||i.INSTANCE_NAME||'.log ~/alert_'||i.INSTANCE_NAME||'.log' from gv$diag_info d,v$instance i where d.name='Diag Trace'; --select INST_ID,value from gv$diag_info where name='Diag Trace';-- alert log file location SQL> !tail -2f $ORACLE_HOME/sqlplus/admin/glogin.sql Gather SYS schema statistics: in parallel of duualfs --------------( 10 + 5 + 1) mins in total Mandatory to execute one by one else command will not execute at once DBMS_STATS.GATHER_SCHEMA_STATS got "'DBMS_STATS.AUTO_SAMPLE_SIZE' must be declared" (Doc ID 2804534.1) SQL> show user USER is "SYS" SQL> select OWNER, TABLE_NAME, LAST_ANALYZED from dba_tab_statistics where table_name like 'X$%' order by last_analyzed;--1162 SQL> begin dbms_stats.gather_schema_stats('SYS',options=>'GATHER STALE', estimate_percent => DBMS_STATS.AUTO_SAMPLE_SIZE,method_opt => 'FOR ALL COLUMNS SIZE AUTO',cascade => TRUE); end; / SQL> exec dbms_stats.gather_fixed_objects_stats; --X$% tables last_analyzed gets updated SQL> exec dbms_stats.gather_dictionary_stats; SQL> [oratest@ebstestdb ~]$ find $ORACLE_BASE |grep -i alert_*.log [oratest@ebstestdb ~]$ find $ORACLE_BASE |grep -i alert_$ORACLE_SID.log [oratest@ebstestdb ~]$ ln -s /u01/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/uat/UAT/trace/alert_UAT.log ~/alert_UAT.log |
Truncate Login Related Tables in NONLIVE Instance/Cloned Instance:
----------- before truncate conn apps/apps set sqlprompt "_user'@'_connect_identifier 'on' _date> " alter session set nls_date_format='dd-Mon-yyyy hh24:mi:ss'; set time on; set linesize 200 pages 50; set pagesize 50; col owner for a10; col TABLE_NAME for a26; col TOTAL_SIZE for a15; col last_analyzed for a25; col ACTUAL_SIZE for a15; select
min(first_connect), count(*) from icx.icx_sessions; select owner,table_name,num_rows,last_analyzed,round(((blocks*8/1024)),2)||'MB' "TOTAL_SIZE", round((num_rows*avg_row_len/1024/1024),2)||'Mb' "ACTUAL_SIZE", round(((blocks*8/1024)-(num_rows*avg_row_len/1024/1024)),2) "FRAGMENTED_SPACE" from dba_tables where table_name IN ('FND_LOGINS','FND_APPL_SESSIONS','FND_LOGIN_RESP_FORMS','FND_LOGIN_RESPONSIBILITIES','FND_UNSUCCESSFUL_LOGINS','ICX_SESSIONS','ICX_FAILURES','ICX_SESSION_ATTRIBUTES','ICX_TEXT','ICX_CONTEXT_RESULTS_TEMP','ICX_TRANSACTIONS','FND_SESSION_VALUES','XXX_HR_LOG'); select count(*) "APPLSYS.FND_LOGINS" from APPLSYS.FND_LOGINS; select count(*) "APPLSYS.FND_APPL_SESSIONS" from APPLSYS.FND_APPL_SESSIONS; select count(*) "APPLSYS.FND_LOGIN_RESP_FORMS" from APPLSYS.FND_LOGIN_RESP_FORMS; select count(*) "APPLSYS.FND_LOGIN_RESPONSIBILITIES" from APPLSYS.FND_LOGIN_RESPONSIBILITIES; select count(*) "APPLSYS.FND_UNSUCCESSFUL_LOGINS" from APPLSYS.FND_UNSUCCESSFUL_LOGINS; select count(*) "ICX.ICX_SESSIONS" from ICX.ICX_SESSIONS; select count(*) "ICX.ICX_FAILURES" from ICX.ICX_FAILURES; select count(*) "ICX.ICX_SESSION_ATTRIBUTES" from ICX.ICX_SESSION_ATTRIBUTES; select count(*) "ICX.ICX_TEXT" from ICX.ICX_TEXT; select count(*) "ICX.ICX_CONTEXT_RESULTS_TEMP" from ICX.ICX_CONTEXT_RESULTS_TEMP; select count(*) "ICX.ICX_TRANSACTIONS" from ICX.ICX_TRANSACTIONS; select count(*) "APPLSYS.FND_SESSION_VALUES" from APPLSYS.FND_SESSION_VALUES; select count(*) "XXXHR.XXX_HR_LOG" from XXXHR.XXX_HR_LOG; show user [applmgr@ebstestapp:~$ $ADMIN_SCRIPTS_HOME/adopmnctl.sh stopall truncate table APPLSYS.FND_LOGINS; truncate table APPLSYS.FND_APPL_SESSIONS; truncate table APPLSYS.FND_LOGIN_RESP_FORMS; truncate table APPLSYS.FND_LOGIN_RESPONSIBILITIES; truncate table APPLSYS.FND_UNSUCCESSFUL_LOGINS; truncate table ICX.ICX_SESSIONS; truncate table ICX.ICX_FAILURES; truncate table ICX.ICX_SESSION_ATTRIBUTES; truncate table ICX.ICX_TEXT; truncate table ICX.ICX_CONTEXT_RESULTS_TEMP; truncate table ICX.ICX_TRANSACTIONS; truncate table APPLSYS.FND_SESSION_VALUES; truncate table XXXHR.XXX_HR_LOG; [applmgr@ebstestapp:~$ $ADMIN_SCRIPTS_HOME/adopmnctl.sh startall |
Opatch update in .env file:
[oramgr@ebsproddb1:~$ opatch version
-bash: opatch: command not found
[oratest@ebstestdb:~$ which opatch
which: no opatch in (/u01/app/oratest/product/
[oratest@ebstestdb:~$ vi $ORACLE_HOME/AHCTEST_ebstestdb.env (update PATH)
[oratest@ebstestdb ~]$
[oratest@ebstestdb ~]$ which opatch
[oratest@ebstestdb ~]$
[oratest@ebstestdb ~]$ opatch version
OPatch Version:
OPatch succeeded.
[oratest@ebstestdb ~]$ $ORACLE_HOME/OPatch/opatch lsinventory | more
. . . . .
. . . . .
Patch description: "Database PSU,Oracle JavaVM Component (JAN2021)"
Optional Disable archivelog in Cloned DB Instance:
SQL> shut immediate Database closed. Database dismounted. ORACLE instance shut down. SQL> startup mount ORA-32004: obsolete or deprecated parameter(s) specified for RDBMS instance ORACLE instance started. Total System Global Area 1.7180E+10 bytes Fixed Size 5304248 bytes Variable Size 1140850760 bytes Database Buffers 1.6005E+10 bytes Redo Buffers 28250112 bytes Database mounted. SQL> SQL> archive log list; Database log mode Archive Mode Automatic archival Enabled Archive destination /u01/app/oracle/oradata/archive Oldest online log sequence 35 Next log sequence to archive 37 Current log sequence 37 SQL> SQL> ALTER DATABASE noarchivelog; Database altered. SQL> alter database open; Database altered. SQL> |
Database Cloning is
completed Successfully
SQL> select owner, TRIGGER_NAME,DESCRIPTION,STATUS from dba_triggers where triggering_event like '%LOGON%';
Check the status of trigger it was disable because of below error I manually enable with system user
Checking the port pool 3
done: Port Pool 3 is free
Report file located at /u01/dev/fs2/inst/apps/DEVPDB_ahcdevcloudapp/admin/out/portpool.lst
The new APPL_TOP context file has been created :
Check Clone Context logfile /u01/dev/fs1/EBSapps/comn/clone/bin/CloneContextPatch_0803170553.log for details.
FMW Pre-requisite check log file location : /u01/dev/fs1/EBSapps/comn/clone/FMW/logs/prereqcheck.log
Running: FMW pre-req check...
Configuring: Run file system....
LogFile located at /u01/dev/fs1/inst/apps/DEVPDB_ahcdevcloudapp/admin/log/clone/run/RCloneApplyAppstier_08031706.log
ERROR: Failed to configure the target system,
please check the logfile in : /u01/dev/fs1/inst/apps/DEVPDB_ahcdevcloudapp/admin/log/clone
Enter the APPS password : Enter the APPS password : Error while executing /u01/dev/fs1/EBSapps/comn/clone/bin/alter_ebs_logon_trigger.sql
Failed to enable EBS_LOGON trigger
[applmgr@ahcdevcloudapp bin]$
Application Cloning Starts from here
Now Configure APPS Tier(Start
Apps Cloning):
root@ebstestapp:~# tar -xvzf EBSapps_14112020.tar -C /u01/AHCTEST/fs1 (approx. 3hrs+ )
tar -xvzf 12cdb1_23062021.tar.gz -C /u01/app/oracle/product/ (
untar with root only )
Fix Inventory Location and central/global
inventory.xml file update
Inventory location should be inside EBS ORACLE_HOME(10.1.2)
Update Clone instance Inventory location should be in ORACLE_HOME: or
Best to point it local Inv to direct central inventory location (As Msb Said) – loc set in file /var/opt/oracl/oraInst.loc)
Inventory Location Fixup on
Best Approach is to point Location of local Inventory to Central Inventory to avoid issue said by MSB
root@ebstestapp:~# cat /var/opt/oracle/oraInst.loc
[appltest@ebstestapp ~]$
[appltest@ebstestapp ~]$ cd /export/home/applahc/oraInventory/ContentsXML/
[appltest@ebstestapp ~]$
[appltest@ebstestapp ContentsXML]$ cp inventory.xml inventory.xml_bkp
[appltest@ebstestapp ContentsXML]$
Update Global inventory.xmlfile and delete entry’s of Clone instance from .xml file, if using any same existing SID’s and leave last 2 lines
Once the Central Inventory backup is done, we need to update it.
If you are using Same SID and Same Path. For an instance which is creating for the first time no need to delete anything.
[appltest@ebstestapp ~]$ cat /export/home/applahc/oraInventory/ContentsXML/inventory.xml
. . . . .
. . . . .
<HOME NAME="AHCTEST_TOOLS__u01_AHC_fs1_EBSapps_10_1_2" LOC="/u01/AHC/APPS122/fs1/EBSapps/10.1.2" TYPE="O" IDX="8"/>
[appltest@ebstestapp ~]$ cat /u01/AHCTEST/fs1/EBSapps/10.1.2/oraInst.loc
inventory_loc=/u01/AHC/oraInventory <--Point location to Central Inventory.
[appltest@ebstestapp ~]$ vi /u01/AHCTEST/fs1/EBSapps/10.1.2/oraInst.loc
[appltest@ebstestapp ~]$
[appltest@ebstestapp ~]$ cat /u01/AHCTEST/fs1/EBSapps/10.1.2/oraInst.loc
[appltest@ebstestapp ~]$
For the below need to try wirh Global Inventory remove home if already exist,
Try next time with attach and detach command, anyways above will also work:
[oraoci@rac1 bin]$ $ORACLE_HOME/oui/bin/runInstaller -silent -attachHome -invPtrLoc /var/opt/oracle/oraInst.loc ORACLE_HOME="/u01/app/oraoci/product/" ORACLE_HOME_NAME="OraGI19Home1"
[oraoci@rac1 ~]$
[oraoci@rac1 bin]$ $ORACLE_HOME/oui/bin/runInstaller -detachHome /u01/app/oraoci/product/ -invPtrLoc /var/opt/oracle/oraInst.loc
[oraoci@rac1 bin]$
Method-1 : If you have only one application server running on this node then you can simple delete global inventory it will be recreated automatically by adcfg script
If Didn’t work the above Centrol inventory then
Setting up oraInventory before adcfg on apps:
Before mv oraInst.loc in 10.1.2 home and remove old entries from global inventory
This will be recreated if there is only one application running on server.
[appltest@ebstestapp ~]$
[appltest@ebstestapp ~]$ cd /u01/AHCTEST/fs1/EBSapps/10.1.2/
[appltest@ebstestapp 10.1.2]$ mv oraInst.loc oraInst.loc_03082021
[appltest@ebstestapp ~]$
[appltest@ebstestapp ~]$ find /u01/AHCTEST/fs1 -iname oraInst.loc*
[appltest@ebstestapp ~]$ cat /etc/oraInst.loc
[appltest@ebstestapp ~]$
[appltest@ebstestapp ~]$ cd /home/applmgr/oraInventory
[appltest@ebstestapp oraInventory]$ ls -ltr
total 32
drwxrwx---. 2 applmgr oinstall 22 Jun 24 07:42 oui
drwxrwx---. 7 applmgr oinstall 4096 Jun 24 08:56 backup
-rw-rw----. 1 applmgr oinstall 303 Jun 24 08:58 oraInstaller.properties
drwxrwx---. 2 applmgr oinstall 4096 Jun 24 09:00 Contents
-rw-rw----. 1 applmgr oinstall 37 Jun 24 09:00 install.platform
drwxrwx---. 2 applmgr oinstall 4096 Aug 3 17:38 ContentsXML
drwxrwx---. 2 applmgr oinstall 8192 Aug 3 17:53 logs
[appltest@ebstestapp oraInventory]$ rm -rf *
[appltest@ebstestapp oraInventory]$
[appltest@ebstestapp oraInventory]$ ls -ltr
total 0
[appltest@ebstestapp oraInventory]$
Method-2 : Other Way is to Create directory inside ORACLE_HOME only..
[appltest@ebstestapp ~]$
[appltest@ebstestapp ~]$ cat /u01/AHCTEST/fs2/EBSapps/10.1.2/oraInst.loc
#Best is inventory_loc= /export/home/applahc/oraInventory
#Above loc is central inv. As per /var/opt/oracle/oraInst.loc
[appltest@ebstestapp ~]$ mkdir -p /u01/AHCTEST/fs2/EBSapps/10.1.2/oraInventory
[appltest@ebstestapp ~]$ chmod -R 777 /u01/AHCTEST/fs2/EBSapps/10.1.2/oraInventory
root@ebstestapp:~# chown -R appltest:dba /u01/AHCTEST
Soft Links Permission
root@ebstestapp:~# ls -ltr /u01/AHCTEST/fs2/EBSapps/10.1.2/webcache/examples
total 255
-rw-rw-r-- 1 applecc dba 70018 Sep 15 2004 IsWebCacheWorking.ear
-rw-rw-r-- 1 applecc dba 2679 Jan 2 2007 invalidate.txt
-rw-rw-r-- 1 applecc dba 4329 Jan 2 2007 invalidate.sql
-rw-rw-r-- 1 applecc dba 896 Jan 2 2007 invalidate.sh
-rw-rw-r-- 1 applecc dba 2309 Jan 2 2007 invalidate.pl
-rw-rw-r-- 1 applecc dba 8345 Jan 2 2007 invalidate.c
-rw-rw-r-- 1 applecc dba 1860 Jan 2 2007 inv-trigger.sql
-rw-rw-r-- 1 applecc dba 2691 Jan 2 2007 Invalidate.java
-rw-rw-r-- 1 applecc dba 626 Jan 2 2007 EncodeBase64.java
-rw-rw-r-- 1 applecc dba 71 Jan 2 2007 README.examples.txt
-rw-rw-r-- 1 applecc dba 24496 Jan 2 2007 WCSInvalidate.java
-rw-rw-r-- 1 applecc dba 885 Jan 2 2007 SyncObject.java
-rw-rw-r-- 1 applecc dba 735 Jan 2 2007 SSLVerifier.java
lrwxrwxrwx 1 applahc
dba 62 Nov 20 16:46
readme.examples.html ->
applahc if got no connection with database during apps-cgf then set the sqlnet.ora parameters from prod or backup
After this perform the apps
tier cloning as usual…
Change .profile …uncomment or point to the prod env file Check Permissions on directory and Files before start adcfg root@ebstestapp:~# su – appalr [appltest@ebstestapp ~]$ vi .profile #. /u01/AHCTEST/EBSapps.env run [appltest@ebstestapp ~]$ cd /u01/AHCTEST/fs2/EBSapps/comn/clone/bin [appltest@ebstestapp bin]$ [appltest@ebstestapp bin]$ ls -ltr total 578 -rwxr-xr-x 1 appltest dba 48268 Feb 11 08:56 adclonectx.pl -rwxr-xr-x 1 appltest dba 100066 Feb 11 08:56 adclone.pl -rwxr-xr-x 1 appltest dba 5101 Feb 11 08:56 adchkutl.sh -rwxr-xr-x 1 appltest dba 127745 Feb 11 08:56 adcfgclone.pl -rwxr-xr-x 1 appltest dba 10887 Feb 11 08:56 adaddnode.pl [appltest@ebstestapp bin]$ |
Run Perl Script for
Application Tier Configuration:
[appltest@ebstestapp bin]$ set <- crosscheck no parameter should set Always try to run long running scripts in a screen or tmux Session to avoid network disconnection issue: [root@ebstestapp ~]# tmux -f ~/.tmux.conf (force load all customizing in tmux session) [root@ebstestapp ~]# tmux ls ----> tmux attach -t 0 ----> copy/paste shift + selection to paste Shift + R.clk paste [root@ebstestapp ~]# cat ~/.screenrc ----> enable scrolling option # Enable scrolling termcapinfo xterm* ti@:te@ [root@ebstestapp ~]# screen -S dualfs ----> screen -d -r dualfs ----> re-attach screen session RAM Cache Swap Clearing use echo 3 option on test scheduled in crontab daily at 3 AM: # free -h -w # echo 1 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches && swapoff -a && swapon -a && printf '\n%s\n' ' Ram-cache and the swap get cleared' free -h -w ----(if required free up the memory of server with echo 3 command) export TIMEDPROCESS_TIMEOUT=-1 export CONFIG_JVM_ARG="-Xms1024m -Xmx2048m" export CONFIG_JVM_ARG="-Xms2048m -Xmx4096m" echo $CONFIG_JVM_ARG SQL> select * from all_objects where status='INVALID' and owner='APPS' and object_name='AD_ZD_ADOP';--{else autoconfig will fail in dulfs} SQL> select NODE_NAME from apps.fnd_nodes; --{clear PROD entries before dulfs, else will fail will as show here} ERROR: txkWfClone.sh execution failed, exit code 1 if you scroll up the logs you may find some more errors ERRORMSG: *******FATAL ERROR******* PROGRAM : (/u01/install/APPS/fs1/EBSapps/appl/fnd/12.0.0/patch/115/bin/txkChkFormsLaunchMethod.pl) TIME : Wed Oct 9 14:50:36 2019 FUNCTION: main::validateAppsSchemaCredentials [ Level 1 ] ERRORMSG: Invalid APPS database user credentials. SQL> exec fnd_conc_clone.setup_clean; SQL> commit; [oratest@ebstestdb ~]$ perl $ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/scripts/$CONTEXT_NAME/adautocfg.sh If this is a repeated cloning instance, you can also use the backup of a CONTEXT_FILE. Run the following command:(verified and worked) $ grep -i 'sslterminator\|https\|site_name\|s_nm_jvm\|access\|s_appltmp\|webport\|s_dbport' UATPDB_uatapp01.xml $ time perl ./adcfgclone.pl appsTier <location of CONTEXT_FILE backup> dualfs Creating Patch file system context file..... Target System Other File System Instance Top set to /u01/UATPDB/fs1/inst/apps/UATPDB_uatapp01 Target System Port Pool [0-99] : 10 (provide patch port) $ time perl adcfgclone.pl appsTier dualfs (Working day total approx. 3Hrs ={2Hr:RFS + 1Hr+:PFS}) (Weekend day total approx. 2Hrs ={50Min:RFS + 1Hr+:PFS}) Copyright (c) 2002, 2015 Oracle Corporation Redwood Shores, California, USA Oracle E-Business Suite Rapid Clone Version 12.2 adcfgclone Version 120.63.12020000.62 Enter the APPS password : Enter the Weblogic AdminServer password : Do you want to add a node (yes/no) [no] : Running: Context clone... Log file located at /u01/AHCTEST/fs1/EBSapps/comn/clone/bin/CloneContext_0212140124.log Provide the values required for creation of the new APPL_TOP Context file. Target System Hostname (virtual or normal) [ebstestapp] : Target System Database SID : AHCTEST (UATPDB/DEVPDB) Target System Database Server Node [ebstestapp] : ebstestdb Target System Database Domain Name [areefdba.com.sa] : Target System Base Directory : /u01/AHCTEST Target System Base Directory set to /u01/AHCTEST Target System Current File System Base set to /u01/AHCTEST/fs1 Target System Other File System Base set to /u01/AHCTEST/fs2 Target System Fusion Middleware Home set to /u01/AHCTEST/fs1/FMW_Home Target System Other File System Fusion Middleware Home set to /u01/AHCTEST/fs2/FMW_Home Target System Web Oracle Home set to /u01/AHCTEST/fs1/FMW_Home/webtier Target System Other File System Web Oracle Home set to /u01/AHCTEST/fs2/FMW_Home/webtier Target System Appl TOP set to /u01/AHCTEST/fs1/EBSapps/appl Target System Other File System Appl TOP set to /u01/AHCTEST/fs2/EBSapps/appl Target System COMMON TOP set to /u01/AHCTEST/fs1/EBSapps/comn Target System Other File System COMMON TOP set to /u01/AHCTEST/fs2/EBSapps/comn Target System Instance Home Directory [/u01/AHCTEST] : Target System Current File System Instance Top set to /u01/AHCTEST/fs1/inst/apps/AHCTEST_ebstestapp Do you want to preserve the Display [ebsprodapp4:0.0] (y/n) : n Target System Display [ebstestapp:0.0] : Target System Root Service [enabled] : Target System Web Entry Point Services [enabled] : Target System Web Application Services [enabled] : Target System Batch Processing Services [enabled] : Target System Other Services [disabled] : Do you want the target system to have the same port values as the source system (y/n) [y] ? : n Target System Port Pool [0-99] : 15 (here we can use any port for url 8000 later it will ask exact port of DATABASE 1522) Checking the port pool 15 done: Port Pool 15 is free Report file located at /u01/AHCTEST/fs1/inst/apps/AHCTEST_ebstestapp/admin/out/portpool.lst RC-40201: Unable to connect to Database AHCTEST. Enter the Database listener port [1523] : 1521 (nc -zv uatdb01 1521 , nc -zv uatdb01-vip 1521 , lsof -i TCP:1521 , also check db is up or not) Target System proxy port [80] : UTL_FILE_DIR on database tier consists of the following directories. 1. /usr/tmp 2. /usr/tmp 3. /u01/app/oraar/product/ 4. /usr/tmp Choose a value which will be set as APPLPTMP value on the target node [1] : The new APPL_TOP context file has been created : /u01/AHCTEST/fs1/inst/apps/AHCTEST_ebstestapp/appl/admin/AHCTEST_ebstestapp.xml Check Clone Context logfile /u01/AHCTEST/fs1/EBSapps/comn/clone/bin/CloneContext_0212140124.log for details. Creating Patch file system context file..... Log file located at /u01/AHCTEST/fs1/EBSapps/comn/clone/bin/CloneContextPatch_0212140340.log Target System Other File System Instance Top set to /u01/AHCTEST/fs2/inst/apps/AHCTEST_ebstestapp Target System Port Pool [0-99] : 16 Checking the port pool 16 done: Port Pool 16 is free Report file located at /u01/AHCTEST/fs2/inst/apps/AHCTEST_ebstestapp/admin/out/portpool.lst The new APPL_TOP context file has been created : /u01/AHCTEST/fs2/inst/apps/AHCTEST_ebstestapp/appl/admin/AHCTEST_ebstestapp.xml Check Clone Context logfile /u01/AHCTEST/fs1/EBSapps/comn/clone/bin/CloneContextPatch_0212140340.log for details. FMW Pre-requisite check log file location : /u01/AHCTEST/fs1/EBSapps/comn/clone/FMW/logs/prereqcheck.log Running: FMW pre-req check... Configuring: Run file system.... (approx. 50 Mins for RUN FS) LogFile located at /u01/AHCTEST/fs1/inst/apps/AHCTEST_ebstestapp/admin/log/clone/run/RCloneApplyAppstier_02121403.log <Feb 12, 2021 2:53:56 PM AST> <Warning> <JNDI> <BEA-050001> <WLContext.close() was called in a different thread than the one in which it was created.> Configuring: Patch file system.... (approx. 1Hrs for PATCH FS) LogFile located at /u01/AHCTEST/fs1/inst/apps/AHCTEST_ebstestapp/admin/log/clone/patch/RCloneApplyAppstier_02121501.log Do you want to startup the Application Services for ECCAR? (y/n) [n] : n Services not started [appltest@ebstestapp bin]$ [appltest@ebstestapp bin]$ [appltest@ebstestapp bin]$ It will complete normal 0% Ã 50% -Ã after 30 mins 51% Ã 65% Ã 73% ---------completed apply…. It will ask to start the services say NO…… If autoconfig in dual fs failed verify with below log Running AutoConfig generates ORA-04063: Package Body "APPS.AD_ZD_ADOP" Has Errors (Doc ID 2175698.1) grep -i 'error \|ORA-\|failed' $INST_TOP/admin/log/*/adconfig.log important and priority xml parameters need to update: if faced any issue in autoconfig after editing in xml file this can be applied later after start of application Remove https login from context file after completing dualfs in OCI [applmgr@ebstestapp ~]$ cp $CONTEXT_FILE ~ (19c additional steps for utl creation and verify) SQL> show parameter event SQL> sqlplus apps/apps SQL> select name,value from v$parameter where name in ('utl_file_dir','event'); Using UTL_FILE_DIR or Database Directories for PL/SQL File I/O in Oracle E-Business Suite Releases 12.1 and 12.2 (Doc ID 2525754.1) [applmgr@ebstestapp ~]$ grep -i 'sslterminator\|https\|site_name\|s_nm_jvm\|access\|s_appltmp\|webport\|s_dbport' $CONTEXT_FILE (update ssl setting before running autoconfig replace with below line / add yellow part) <sslterminator oa_var="s_enable_sslterminator">#</sslterminator>Check whether given Application ports RFS/PFS including weblogic server ports are open or not in OCI: [root@ebstestapp ~]# sudo systemctl status firewalld [root@ebstestapp ~]# sudo firewall-cmd --list-all public (active) target: default icmp-block-inversion: no interfaces: ens3 sources: services: dhcpv6-client ssh ports: 8002/tcp 7003/tcp 7021/tcp protocols: masquerade: no forward-ports: source-ports: icmp-blocks: rich rules: [root@ebstestapp ~]# |
files to monitor during
adcfgclone on AppsTier:
cat /export/home/applahc/oraInventory/ContentsXML/inventory.xml (Central Inv) new homes of instances will be updated as per given local inventory details. Log File for WL-Admin Server, EBS Domain, opmn, nodemanager tail -100f $EBS_DOMAIN_HOME/servers/AdminServer/logs/AdminServer.log tail -100f $EBS_DOMAIN_HOME/servers/AdminServer/logs/EBS_domain.log tail -100f $EBS_DOMAIN_HOME/servers/AdminServer/logs/access.log tail -100f $EBS_DOMAIN_HOME/servers/AdminServer/logs/AdminServer.out tail -100f $EBS_DOMAIN_HOME/servers/AdminServer/logs/AdminServer-diag*.log tail -100f $FMW_HOME/wlserver_10.3/common/nodemanager/nmHome1/nodem*.log tail -100f $IAS_ORACLE_HOME/instances/E*OHS1/d*/logs/OPMN/opmn/opmn.log tail -100f $IAS_ORACLE_HOME/instances/EBS_web_OHS1/diagnostics/logs/OHS/EBS_web/EBS_web.log Still some Error related to SSL Run File System: tail -f /u01/AHCTEST/fs1/inst/apps/AHCTEST_ebstestapp/admin/log/clone/run/RCloneApplyAppstier_02121403.log (Autoconfig update in RFS in this File) (Approx Time RCloneApplyAppstier= 1Hr 3 mins ) Re-trying for 6 time[s]. . . . . Enter the IMAP domain name [NoImapDomain]:<--4 Mins, autocfg, Patch FS start For regular
Logs in EBS: 1. EBS Cloning check logs under run/patch tailf $INST_TOP/admin/log/clone/run/RCloneApplyAppstier*.log tailf $INST_TOP/admin/log/clone/run/fmwT2PApply/CLONE*.log tailf $INST_TOP/admin/log/clone/run/wlsT2PApply/CLONE*.log tailf $INST_TOP/admin/log/clone/run/ohsT2PApply/CLONE*.log 2. For Multi Node Config Files to monitor find $IAS_ORACLE_HOME/instances -iname EBS_web*.log ls -ltrh $IAS_ORACLE_HOME/instances/EBS_web*/diagnostics/logs/OHS/EBS_web/EBS_web*.log find $IAS_ORACLE_HOME/instances -type f \( -iname \apps.conf -o -iname \mod_wl_ohs.conf \) find $IAS_ORACLE_HOME/instances -iname apps.conf ls -ltrh $IAS_ORACLE_HOME/instances/EBS_web*OHS*/config/OHS/EBS_web*/apps.conf find $IAS_ORACLE_HOME/instances -iname mod_wl_ohs.conf ls -ltrh $IAS_ORACLE_HOME/instances/EBS_web*/config/OHS/EBS_web*/mod_wl_ohs.conf 3. For fs_clone creation no run/patch forlder is there: tailf $INST_TOP/admin/log/clone/run/FSCloneApplyAppstier*.log tailf $INST_TOP/admin/log/clone/fmwT2PApply/CLONE*.log tailf $INST_TOP/admin/log/clone/wlsT2PApply/CLONE*.log tailf $INST_TOP/admin/log/clone/ohsT2PApply/CLONE*.log tail -f /u01/AHCTEST/fs1/inst/apps/AHCTEST_ebstestapp/admin/log/clone/run/fmwT2PApply/CLONE2021-02-12_14-03-57_1047025890.log (% of Complete update here) (Approx Time fmwT2Apply= 25Mins) Extracting all the homes from the archive file. Extraction time will vary depending upon the archive size ... Operation is 11% complete, in "38" seconds. Operation is 21% complete, in "84" seconds. tail -f /u01/AHCTEST/fs1/inst/apps/AHCTEST_ebstestapp/admin/log/clone/run/wlsT2PApply/CLONE2021-02-12_14-21-42_1319751649.log (Approx Time wlsT2Apply = 40 Mins ) . . . . Configuring the Datasource - EBSDataSource <-- 15 Mins in RFS/PFS, From here total time is 15+23 Mins. To completestail -f /u01/AHCTEST/fs1/inst/apps/AHCTEST_ebstestapp/admin/log/clone/run/AdminServer.log tail -f /u01/AHCTEST/fs1/inst/apps/AHCTEST_ebstestapp/admin/log/clone/run/ohsT2PApply/CLONE2021-02-12_14-55-16_455292676.log Patch File System: /u01/AHCTEST/fs2/inst/apps/AHCTEST_ebstestapp/admin/log/clone/patch/RCloneApplyAppstier_11201936.log cd /u01/AHCTEST/fs2/inst/apps/AHCTEST_ebstestapp/admin/log/clone/patch/fmwT2PApply tail -f /u01/AHCTEST/fs2/inst/apps/AHCTEST_ebstestapp/admin/log/clone/patch/fmwT2PApply/ |
If auto config Fails with error below check adautoconfig.log for “txkGenADOPWrapper.pl” (Doc ID 2064223.1) ls -ltrh $INST_TOP/admin/log/*/adconfig.log select * from fnd_oam_context_files --still target node not updated select * from fnd_nodes --still target node not updated select * from adop_valid_nodes --still target node not updated select * from ad_nodes_config_status --still target node not updated select node_id, platform_code, support_db D, support_cp C, support_admin A, support_forms F, support_web W, node_name, server_id, server_address, domain, webhost, virtual_ip from fnd_nodes order by node_id; How to Synchronize the AD tables FND_NODES, ADOP_VALID_NODES, and FND_OAM_CONTEXT_FILES in 12.2 when adop fails. (Doc ID 2064223.1) SQL> sqlplus apps/appsr12_2_9 SQL> SQL> select NODE_NAME from apps.fnd_nodes; SQL> exec fnd_conc_clone.setup_clean; SQL> commit; - Run autoconfig dbTier and then (select NODE_NAME from apps.fnd_nodes;) - Run autoconfig on apps runfile system (select NODE_NAME from apps.fnd_nodes;) - Then disable ebslogon trigger from runFS - Then source patch file system with new user session and run auto config - Then enable ebslogon trigger from runFS - Then change apps password and run autoconfig on dbTier first and apps Run file Tier |
Open duplicate Session disable logon Trigger with apps or system user
Disabling Trigger with apps user (Doc ID 2357063.1) | Disabling Trigger with System User |
. EBSapps.env Run - As apps user disable logon trigger SQL> SELECT ad_zd.get_edition_type from dual; GET_EDITION_TYPE ------------------------------------- RUN SQL> select owner, TRIGGER_NAME,DESCRIPTION,STATUS from dba_triggers where triggering_event like '%LOGON%'; SQL> exec ad_zd.ALTER_LOGON_TRIGGER('DISABLE'); SQL> SQL> commit; Now run autoconfig with the patch env sourced applahc@ebstestapp:~$ . /u01/AHCTEST/EBSapps.env patch applahc@ebstestapp:~$ echo $FILE_EDITION patch applahc@ebstestapp:~$ cd $ADMIN_SCRIPTS_HOME/ applahc@ebstestapp:~$ pwd should run adconfig for Patch FS applahc@ebstestapp:~$ ./adautocfg.sh SQL> exec ad_zd.ALTER_LOGON_TRIGGER('ENABLE'); SQL> commit; Re-run AutoConfig in run fs once again. | applahc@ahcsc1zioclient010301:~$ sqlplus system/manager1 [oracle@ahcuatclouddb ~]$ . $ORACLE_HOME/UATPDB_ahcuatclouddb.env [oracle@ahcuatclouddb ~]$ sqlplus system/manager1@UATPDB SQL> show user USER is "SYSTEM" SQL> SQL> select * from dba_triggers where triggering_event like '%LOGON%'; SQL> alter trigger ebs_logon disable; Now run autoconfig with the patch env sourced applahc@ebstestapp:~$ . /u01/AHCTEST/EBSapps.env patch applahc@ebstestapp:~$ echo $FILE_EDITION patch applahc@ebstestapp:~$ cd $ADMIN_SCRIPTS_HOME/ applahc@ebstestapp:~$ pwd should run adconfig for Patch FS applahc@ebstestapp:~$ ./adautocfg.sh applahc@ebstestapp:~$ sqlplus system/manager1 SQL> alter trigger ebs_logon enable; |
Then connect the Database
and perform the post clone procedures like before …to cancel the scheduled
Change the .profiles to current *.env files on the clone server….
1) Change apps password using FNDCPAAS……then run autoconfig on apps tier
ADOP Tables for node information configured with Single/Multi Apps Node: 1) select * from fnd_nodes;--(only 3:AUTHENTICATION, DBNODE, APPSNODE) 1.1.2) select * from ad_nodes_config_status; -- (prod apps entries 1.1.3) select * from fnd_oam_context_files; --(Context File-{fs1,fs2,DB} TEMPLATE,METADATA) 1.1.4) select distinct(PATH),EXTRACTVALUE(XMLType(TEXT),'//file_edition_type') as FILE_SYSTEM from FND_OAM_CONTEXT_FILES where NAME not in ('TEMPLATE','METADATA','config.txt') and CTX_TYPE='A' and (status is null or upper(status) in ('S','F')) and EXTRACTVALUE(XMLType(TEXT),'//file_edition_type') in ('run','patch') -- check RFS/PFS context files uploaded to db or not 1.1.4) select distinct(PATH) from FND_OAM_CONTEXT_FILES where NAME not in ('TEMPLATE','METADATA','config.txt') and CTX_TYPE='A' and (status is null or upper(status) in ('S','F')) and EXTRACTVALUE(XMLType(TEXT),'//file_edition_type') in ('run','patch');-- check RFS/PFS context files uploaded to db or not 1.1.5) select * from apps.TXK_TCC_RESULTS;--(etcc checkdb ran or not) 1.1.6) select THREAD#, STATUS, ENABLED from v$thread;--(disable thread 2 if not required) 1.1.7) select ad_zd.get_edition_type from dual; 1.1.8) select FND_WEB_SEC.VALIDATE_LOGIN('SYSADMIN','welcome1') from dual;--(crosscheck after FNDCPASS) 1.1.9) select * from all_objects where status='INVALID' and owner='APPS'-- and object_name='AD_ZD_ADOP';--( 1.1.9) select to_char(RESETLOGS_TIME, 'DD-MON-YYYY, hh24:mi:ss') from v$database;--(when database was cloned) 1.2) -- check schedule request. select request_id from fnd_concurrent_requests--(Doc ID 152209.1) where status_code in ('Q','I') --To find all scheduled requests (Doc ID 170107.1) and requested_start_date > SYSDATE and hold_flag = 'N'; 1.3) -- check any pending wf mails select notification_id, status, mail_status, begin_date from WF_NOTIFICATIONS where status = 'OPEN' and mail_status = 'MAIL'; 2.1) --cancel schedule requests (no. of Records Updated = 4) update fnd_concurrent_requests set phase_code='C', status_code='D' where phase_code = 'P' and (status_code = 'I' OR status_code = 'Q') and requested_start_date >= SYSDATE and hold_flag = 'N' 2.2) --cancel schedule requests (no. of Records Updated = 3) UPDATE fnd_concurrent_requests SET phase_code = 'C', status_code = 'X' WHERE status_code ='T' OR phase_code = 'R' 2.3) -- cancel schedule requests (no. of Records Updated = 178) UPDATE fnd_concurrent_requests SET hold_flag = 'Y' WHERE phase_code = 'P' AND status_code in ('Q','I') 3.1) -- update Mail status to sent (no. of Records Updated = 179) update FND_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS set phase_code='C',status_code='D' where phase_code='P' 3.2) -- update Mail status to sent (no. of Records Updated = 30162) select count(*) from WF_NOTIFICATIONS where status='OPEN' and mail_status='MAIL' --and message_type in ('WFTESTS','UMXLHELP') --and RECIPIENT_ROLE='MAREEF' update WF_NOTIFICATIONS set mail_status='SENT' where status='OPEN' and MAIL_STATUS='MAIL' 3.3) -- update Mail status to sent (no. of Records Updated=0) update WF_NOTIFICATIONS set mail_status='SENT' where status='OPEN' and MAIL_STATUS='MAIL' 3.4) -- Optional if required update Mail status to sent (no. of Records Updated=2LC) How to Purge WFERROR (System: Error) Workflow Items? (Doc ID 804622.1) select count(*) from wf_notifications w where w.status='OPEN' and w.RECIPIENT_ROLE='SYSADMIN' ;-- to check errors after sysadmin login --UPDATE wf_notifications set status='CLOSED' , mail_status='SENT', end_date=sysdate where recipient_role='SYSADMIN'; --UPDATE wf_notifications set status='CLOSED' , mail_status='SENT', end_date=sysdate where w.MESSAGE_TYPE='XXAS'; 3.5) -- check above select statment for any pending wf mails ; 4.1) select ad_zd.get_edition_type from dual; GET_EDITION_TYPE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- RUN SQL> |
4) –- If found any more from above select then perform below updates also update wf_notifications set mail_status = 'SENT' where end_date is not null and status = 'CLOSED' and MAIL_STATUS = 'MAIL'; update WF_NOTIFICATIONS set mail_status = 'SENT' where mail_status = 'MAIL'; select notification_id, status, mail_status, begin_date from WF_NOTIFICATIONS where status = 'OPEN' and mail_status = 'MAIL'; sqlplus apps/apps@db @$FND_TOP/patch/115/sql/wfntfqup.sql apps apps applsys select DEVELOPER_PARAMETERS from FND_CP_SERVICES where SERVICE_ID = (select MANAGER_TYPE from FND_CONCURRENT_QUEUES where CONCURRENT_QUEUE_NAME = 'FNDCPOPP'); update FND_CP_SERVICES set DEVELOPER_PARAMETERS = 'J:oracle.apps.fnd.cp.gsf.GSMServiceController:-mx1024m' where SERVICE_ID = (select MANAGER_TYPE from FND_CONCURRENT_QUEUES where CONCURRENT_QUEUE_NAME = 'FNDCPOPP'); |
Creation of EBSapps.env
applupg@ebstestapp:/u01/AHCTEST/fs2$ find . -iname EBSapps.env find $INST_TOP/admin/ -iname EBSapps.env /u01/AHCTEST/fs1/inst/apps/AHCTEST_ebstestapp/admin/out/02121456/EBSapps.env [appltest@ebstestapp ~]$ cp $INST_TOP/admin/out/02121456/EBSapps.env /u01/AHC/ [appltest@ebstestapp ~]$ [appltest@ebstestapp ~]$ vi /export/home/appltest/.profile . /u01/AHCTEST/EBSapps.env run [appltest@ebstestapp ~]$ ln -s /oracle/AHCTEST/fs2/inst/apps/AHCTEST_ebstestapp/admin/out/09180958/EBSapps.env ~/EBSapps.env |
To fix adop ETCC Codelevel checker patch
It is necessary to run check db atleast 1 time on cloned instance, else adop prepare phase will fail [oracle@clouduatdb ~]$ ls -ltrh $ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/etcc/check* [oracle@clouduatdb ~]$ grep '$Header' $ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/etcc/checkDBpatch.sh [oracle@clouduatdb etcc]$ . $ORACLE_HOME/UATPDB_clouduatdb.env [oracle@clouduatdb etcc]$ echo $ORACLE_SID UATPDB While Applying AD Patch, Getting “The following middle tier fixes have not been applied” Even After Applying ETCC Patches (Doc ID 2958876.1) select * from applsys.TXK_TCC_RESULTS; truncate table applsys.TXK_TCC_RESULTS; [oracle@clouduatdb etcc]$ unzip p17537119_R12_GENERIC.zip -o $ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/etcc/ [oracle@clouduatdb ~]$ grep '$Header' $ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/etcc/checkDBpatch.sh [oracle@clouduatdb :~ $ sh $ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/etcc/checkDBpatch.sh ß mandatory, if not adop will fail when ever run on instance [appltest@ebstestapp ~]$ ./checkMTpatch.sh col CHECK_MESSAGE for a55; select a.component_name,a.check_date,a.check_message from applsys.TXK_TCC_RESULTS a order by a.check_date; |
adop check
[appltest@ebstestapp ~]$ adop -status Enter the APPS password: Connected. ============================================================== ADOP (C.Delta.11) Session Id: 14 Command: status Output: /u01/AHCTEST/fs_ne/EBSapps/log/adop/14/20210212_170040/adzdshowstatus.out =============================================================== File System Synchronization Type: Full adop exiting with status = 0 (Success) [appltest@ebstestapp ~]$ ADOP apply phase always fails if option is no for the below Adop apply fails with " Do you wish to apply this patch now [No] ? No *" (Doc ID 2355751.1) [appltest@ebstestapp ~]$ [appltest@ebstestapp ~]$ grep -A 6 MISSING_TRANSLATED_VERSION $APPL_TOP/admin/${TWO_TASK}/adalldefaults.txt MISSING_TRANSLATED_VERSION %%END_OF_TOKEN%% %%START_OF_VALUE%% Yes %%END_OF_VALUE%% ## End of Defaults Record [appltest@ebstestapp ~]$ if ADOP Cleanup Fails with below error refer doc Cleanup Phase Is Successful But Has Some Errors And Warnings In The Log File: [WARNING] Could not drop covered object (Doc ID 2496457.1) --Getting Error Could not drop covered object while Running Adop Cleanup phase (Doc ID 2511377.1) Alter session set edition = V_20190109_1434; --select * from dba_editions select co.edition_name, co.owner, co.object_type, co.object_name --count(*) from dba_objects_ae co, database_properties run /* run edition name */ where run.property_name = 'DEFAULT_EDITION' and co.object_type <> 'NON-EXISTENT' and co.edition_name is not null and co.edition_name < run.property_value and exists ( select null from dba_objects_ae ro /* replacement object */ where ro.owner = co.owner and ro.object_name = co.object_name and ro.namespace = co.namespace and ro.edition_name > co.edition_name and ro.edition_name <= run.property_value ) and not exists ( select null from sys.dependency$ dep /* dependents */ where dep.p_obj# = co.object_id ) order by co.edition_name desc, co.owner, co.object_name; |
Verify User Profile
OraInventory & Opatch:
root@ebstestapp:~# su - applmgr Oracle Corporation SunOS 5.11 11.4 October 2020 ######################### # EBS TEST APP # ######################### You have new mail. E-Business Suite Environment Information ---------------------------------------- RUN File System : /u01/AHCTEST/fs1/EBSapps/appl PATCH File System : /u01/AHCTEST/fs2/EBSapps/appl Non-Editioned File System : /u01/AHCTEST/fs_ne DB Host: ebstestapp.areefdba.com.sa Service/SID: AHCTEST Sourcing the RUN File System ... [appltest@ebstestapp ~]$ [appltest@ebstestapp ~]$ which opatch /u01/AHCTEST/fs1/EBSapps/10.1.2/OPatch/opatch [appltest@ebstestapp ~]$ [appltest@ebstestapp ~]$ opatch lsinventory Oracle Interim Patch Installer version Copyright (c) 2011 Oracle Corporation. All Rights Reserved.. OPatch succeeded. [appltest@ebstestapp ~]$ [appltest@ebstestapp ~]$ $ORACLE_HOME/OPatch/opatch lsinventory . . . . . . . . . . OPatch succeeded. [appltest@ebstestapp ~]$ |
Run File System:
Verify User Profile OraInventory & Opatch:
Central Inventory should update 8 more IDX home in inventory.xml file
root@ebstestapp:~# root@ebstestapp:~# cat /u01/AHCTEST/fs1/EBSapps/10.1.2/oraInst.loc inventory_loc=/export/home/applahc/oraInventory inst_group=dba root@ebstestapp:~# [appltest@ebstestapp ~]$ cat /export/home/applahc/oraInventory/ContentsXML/inventory.xml New Clone Instance IDX are added to Central Inv. As per given Local Inv Location) . . . . . <HOME NAME="OH200942157" LOC="/u01/AHCTEST/fs1/FMW_Home/oracle_common" TYPE="O" IDX="9"> <REFHOMELIST> <REFHOME LOC="/u01/AHCTEST/fs1/FMW_Home/webtier"/> </REFHOMELIST> </HOME> <HOME NAME="OH826029475" LOC="/u01/AHCTEST/fs1/FMW_Home/webtier" TYPE="O" IDX="10"> <DEPHOMELIST> <DEPHOME LOC="/u01/AHCTEST/fs1/FMW_Home/oracle_common"/> </DEPHOMELIST> </HOME> <HOME NAME="OH634527727" LOC="/u01/AHCTEST/fs1/FMW_Home/Oracle_EBS-app1" TYPE="O" IDX="11"/> <HOME NAME="AHCTEST_TOOLS__u01_AHCTEST_fs1_EBSapps_10_1_2" LOC="/u01/AHCTEST/fs1/EBSapps/10.1.2" TYPE="O" IDX="12"/> <HOME NAME="OH267948910" LOC="/u01/AHCTEST/fs2/FMW_Home/oracle_common" TYPE="O" IDX="13"> <REFHOMELIST> <REFHOME LOC="/u01/AHCTEST/fs2/FMW_Home/webtier"/> </REFHOMELIST> </HOME> <HOME NAME="OH1823101828" LOC="/u01/AHCTEST/fs2/FMW_Home/webtier" TYPE="O" IDX="14"> <DEPHOMELIST> <DEPHOME LOC="/u01/AHCTEST/fs2/FMW_Home/oracle_common"/> </DEPHOMELIST> </HOME> <HOME NAME="OH665547534" LOC="/u01/AHCTEST/fs2/FMW_Home/Oracle_EBS-app1" TYPE="O" IDX="15"/> <HOME NAME="AHCTEST_TOOLS__u01_AHCTEST_fs2_EBSapps_10_1_2" LOC="/u01/AHCTEST/fs2/EBSapps/10.1.2" TYPE="O" IDX="16"/> root@ebstestapp:~# root@ebstestapp:~# ps -ef |grep -i applahc|wc -l 4 |
Sample steps to re-create appsutil directory for database:
IF necessary to recreate appsutil directory follow here apploci@ebsprodapp3:~$ perl $AD_TOP/bin/admkappsutil.pl apploci@ebsprodapp3:~$ scp $INST_TOP/admin/out/appsutil.zip oraoci@ oraoci@ebsproddb1:/u01/app/oraoci/product/$ mv appsutil appsutil_old oraoci@ebsproddb1:/u01/app/oraoci/product/$ unzip -o appsutil.zip oraoci@ebsproddb1:/u01/app/oraoci/product/$ cp jre-7u251-solaris-sparc*.tar.gz /u01/app/oraoci/product/ Create jre folder from previous appsutil directory: oraoci@ebsproddb1:/u01/app/oraoci/product/$ tar -xvzf jre-7u251-solaris-sparc.tar.gz oraoci@ebsproddb1:/u01/app/oraoci/product/$ tar -xvzf jre-7u251-solaris-sparcv9.tar.gz oraoci@ebsproddb1:/u01/app/oraoci/product/$ mv jre1.7.0_251 jre Create Contextfile for Database Tier: oraoci@ebsproddb1:~$ cd $ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/bin oraoci@ebsproddb1:/u01/app/oraoci/product/$ perl $ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/bin/adbldxml.pl appsuser=apps appspass=appspswd template=$ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/template/adxdbctx.tmp out=$ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/PRODPDB_ebsproddb1.xml Enter Database Service Name: PRODPDB Enter the value for Display Variable: :0.0 Create Scripts directory: oraoci@ebsproddb1:/u01/app/oraoci/product/$ sh adconfig.sh contextfile=$ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/PRODPDB_ebsproddb1.xml Run AutoConfig on the <RDBMS ORACLE_HOME>: perl $ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/scripts/$CONTEXT_NAME/adautocfg.sh oraoci@ebsproddb1:/u01/app/oraoci/product/$ adautocfg.sh |
Normal Application Cloning Ends here
APPS Tier Cloning is Completed Successfully and achieved below:
- Successful run Auto config on Patch file System without ERROR during adcfgclone.
- Inventory Issue Resolved
- ADOP issue resloved
- Weblogic Deny Line issue resolved
Remove https(ssl) setting form context file before autoconfig:
IF necessary take backup of xml file for reference: before running autoconfig, when if updated xml variable sslterminator then autoconfig failed [applmgr@ahcdevcloudapp ~]$ cp $CONTEXT_FILE ~ If required change apps password, then update in weblogic also: After FNDCPASS [appltest@ebstestapp ~]$ cd $FND_TOP/bin [appltest@ebstestapp bin]$ sqlplus system/manager [appltest@ebstestapp bin]$ [appltest@ebstestapp bin]$ FNDCPASS apps/appspswd 0 Y system/manager SYSTEM APPLSYS ahctestm7 [appltest@ebstestapp bin]$ sqlplus apps/ahcsctestm7 [appltest@ebstestapp bin]$ [appltest@ebstestapp bin]$ history -d 1030 (to delete apps prod password from history) IF EBS Database is CDB/PDB then source PDB before running autoconfig: [oracle@ahcdevdb ~]$ . $ORACLE_HOME/DEVPDB_ahcdevdb.env [oracle@ahcdevdb ~]$ perl $ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/scripts/$CONTEXT_NAME/adautocfg.sh Run autoconfig on db tier first then on apps tier (no need on Patch FS.) nextime try to update context variable before running autoconfig on apps to save time Deny Line for weblogic access, ports check for application and Weblogic in OCI servers Open port for Newly created Apps(Compute) in OCI: (only on new server installation or new/extra APPS Port) sudo firewall-cmd --list-all systemctl status firewalld sudo firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port=8001/tcp sudo firewall-cmd --reload now start the services….. also open the weblogic console port…. sudo firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port=7002/tcp sudo firewall-cmd –reload [appltest@ebstestapp ~]$ [appltest@ebstestapp ~]$ grep deny $EBS_DOMAIN_HOME/config/config.xml ß deny <connection-filter-rule> * * deny</connection-filter-rule> Weblogic Admin server access with deny line: (replace existing line with below) apploci@ebstestapp:~$ grep s_wls_admin_console_access_nodes $CONTEXT_FILE <s_wls_admin_console_access_nodes oa_var="s_wls_admin_console_access_nodes"></s_wls_admin_console_access_nodes> apploci@ebstestapp:~$ apploci@ebstestapp:~$ <s_wls_admin_console_access_nodes oa_var="s_wls_admin_console_access_nodes"/> cp $CONTEXT_FILE ~ grep s_wls_admin_console_access_nodes $CONTEXT_FILE <s_wls_admin_console_access_nodes oa_var="s_wls_admin_console_access_nodes"></s_wls_admin_console_access_nodes> grep -i 'sslterminator\|https\|site_name\|s_nm_jvm\|access\|s_appltmp\|webport\|s_dbport' $CONTEXT_FILE <sslterminator oa_var="s_enable_sslterminator" customized="yes">#</sslterminator> grep site_name $CONTEXT_FILE grep s_wfmail_agent $CONTEXT_FILE grep s_webhost $CONTEXT_FILE grep s_domainname $CONTEXT_FILE grep s_webport $CONTEXT_FILE grep s_login_page $CONTEXT_FILE Ex: http://myhost.mydomain.com:8000 apploci@ebstestapp:~$ adautocfg.sh apploci@ebstestapp:~$ adadminsrvctl.sh stop apploci@ebstestapp:~$ adadminsrvctl.sh start apploci@ebstestapp:~$ grep deny $EBS_DOMAIN_HOME/config/config.xml <connection-filter-rule> * * deny</connection-filter-rule> apploci@ebstestapp:~$ [appltest@ebstestapp ~]$ ps -ef |grep -i applmgr |wc -l [appltest@ebstestapp ~]$ [appltest@ebstestapp ~]$ adadminsrvctl.sh start ß approx. 2 Mins grep login $CONTEXT_FILE grep wls_admin $CONTEXT_FILE grep url_protocol $CONTEXT_FILE grep s_webhost $CONTEXT_FILE grep s_wls_admin_domain $CONTEXT_FILE grep s_wls_adminport $CONTEXT_FILE Weblogic Console Url with echo command: echo "http://"$(cat $CONTEXT_FILE | grep s_webhost | cut -d '>' -f2 | cut -d '<' -f1)"."$(cat $CONTEXT_FILE | grep s_wls_admin_domain | cut -d '>' -f2 | cut -d '<' -f1)":"$(cat $CONTEXT_FILE | grep s_wls_adminport | cut -d '>' -f2 | cut -d '<' -f1)"/console" http://ebstestapp.areefdba.com.sa:7004/console Method-1: Console --> Domain Structure --> Services --> Data Source --> EBSDataSource --> Connection Pools --> Password Method-2: [appltest@ebstestapp ~]$ perl $FND_TOP/patch/115/bin/txkManageDBConnectionPool.pl Please select from list of valid options updateDSPassword - Update WebLogic Datasource Password updateDSJdbcUrl - Update WebLogic Datasource Connection String Enter Your Choice : updateDSPassword Enter the full path of Applications Context File [DEFAULT - /u01/UAT/fs2/inst/apps/UAT_uatapp01/appl/admin/UAT_uatapp01.xml]: Enter weblogic admin server password: Enter the APPS user password: apps_new_password --------------------------------------------- Performing Steps for option=updateDSPassword --------------------------------------------- Updating WLS DataSource Password -------------------------------- Initializing WebLogic Scripting Tool (WLST) ... Welcome to WebLogic Server Administration Scripting Shell Type help() for help on available commands Connecting to t3://areefdba.sa:7011 with userid weblogic ... Successfully connected to Admin Server 'AdminServer' that belongs to domain 'EBS_domain_UAT'. Warning: An insecure protocol was used to connect to the server. To ensure on-the-wire security, the SSL port or Admin port should be used instead. Domain Update successful ------------------------ [appltest@ebstestapp ~]$ If required to update JVM Mem. for OACORE - oacore_server1 --> (tab)Server Start --> Arguments: -Xms2048m -Xmx4096m adnodemgrctl.sh stop/start oacore_server1 ps -ef | grep oacore_server1 ps -ef | grep Xmx4096 Managing Configuration of Oracle HTTP Server and Web Application Services in Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2 (Doc ID 1905593.1) Note: For the oacore service, Oracle recommends up to 150-200 concurrent users per JVM of size 2 GB. [appltest@ebstestapp ~]$ [appltest@ebstestapp ~]$ adstrtal.sh apps/apps (worked by start apps after pswd updated in WLC with out stoping admin server to same time) [appltest@ebstestapp ~]$ adadminsrvctl.sh stop [appltest@ebstestapp ~]$ ps -ef |grep -i applmgr|wc -l [appltest@ebstestapp ~]$ Important Variable of
Context file which need update after clone:
You always need to run autoconfig again if updated any further in xml file Start Application Services with new password: [appltest@ebstestapp ~]$ ps -ef |grep -i applmgr|wc -l [appltest@ebstestapp ~]$ grep deny $EBS_DOMAIN_HOME/config/config.xml [appltest@ebstestapp ~]$ adstrtal.sh apps/ahcsctestm7 ß New Password approx. 4 Mins [appltest@ebstestapp ~]$ ps -ef |grep -i applmgr|wc -l 310 [appltest@ebstestapp ~]$ adcmctl.sh status apps/ahcsctestm7 You are running adcmctl.sh version 120.19.12020000.7 Internal Concurrent Manager is Active. adcmctl.sh: exiting with status 0 adcmctl.sh: check the logfile /u01/AHCTEST/fs2/inst/apps/AHCTEST_ebstestapp/logs/appl/admin/log/adcmctl.txt for more information ... [appltest@ebstestapp ~]$ [appltest@ebstestapp ~]$ adopmnctl.sh status You are running adopmnctl.sh version 120.0.12020000.2 Checking status of OPMN managed processes... Processes in Instance: EBS_web_OHS1 ---------------------------------+--------------------+---------+--------- ias-component | process-type | pid | status ---------------------------------+--------------------+---------+--------- EBS_web | OHS | 9370 | Alive adopmnctl.sh: exiting with status 0 adopmnctl.sh: check the logfile /u01/AHCTEST/fs2/inst/apps/AHCTEST_ebstestapp/logs/appl/admin/log/adopmnctl.txt for more information ... [appltest@ebstestapp ~]$ If you got any error like below while opening forms, Stop apps then recreate jar files from adadmin options(1---> 4 Generate product JAR files) (approx 30 Mins for jar files generation) E-Business Suite R12.2 : Using Java Web Start Get Error 'JAR Resources In JNLP File Are Not Signed By Same Certificate' (Doc ID 2464716.1) [appltest@ebstestapp ~]$ adstpall.sh apps/appspswd [appltest@ebstestapp ~]$ adadmin 1. Generate Applications Files menu 4. Generate product JAR files Do you wish to force regeneration of all jar files? [No] ? YES tailf $NE_BASE/EBSapps/log/adadmin/log/adadmin.log |
Once Start the Application Change Sys pswd and Reduce Conc Mngr:
If Source instance was configured with SSL then remove setting on Cloned instance [appltest@ebstestapp ~]$ [appltest@ebstestapp ~]$ grep -i 'sslterminator\|https\|sitename\|s_nm_jvm\|access\|s_appltmp' $CONTEXT_FILE (not worked at this step need to check again ssl setting before running autoconfig replace with below line or add yellow) <sslterminator oa_var="s_enable_sslterminator" customized="yes">#</sslterminator> or else update whole below line <sslterminator oa_var="s_enable_sslterminator" customized="yes">#</sslterminator> <sslterminator oa_var="s_enable_sslterminator" customized="yes">#</sslterminator> Manually reach near to autoconfig update from html page: http://ebstestapp.areefdba.com.sa:8002/OA_HTML/weboam/oam/adconfig/adAppsCtxtFilesTable$target=AHCTEST [applmgr@ebstestapp ~]$ [appltest@ebstestapp ~]$ [appltest@ebstestapp ~]$ ps -ef |grep -i applahc|wc -l 310 [appltest@ebstestapp ~]$ [appltest@ebstestapp ~]$ cd $FND_TOP/bin [appltest@ebstestapp bin]$ FNDCPASS apps/appspswd 0 Y system/manager USER SYSADMIN welcome1 [appltest@ebstestapp ~]$ [appltest@ebstestapp ~]$ echo $APPLTMP Update Temp Directory in Application from front end XML PUBLISHER Administratorà Administrationà Generalà - oacore_server1 (-Xms2048m -Xmx4096m) - Sysadmin password expiry to none - Standard Manager - SCHEDULE MANAGER - Order Management Custom -SRS - Java Color Scheme (teal-dev, red-uat, khaki-pdbtest) - WF: Workflow Mailer Framework Web Agent (mailer profile) - - TEST WFM MAIL update correct mailer password - Clear Cache (Functional
Administrator) - echo $APPLTMP (XML
Pub.– Home – Administration) - Change Sysadmin Password (Using
FNCPASS) - Check DB Invalid Objects - Corporate Branding Image for Oracle Applications (if
Logo is used) - alter user system identified by manager; - site name, https & other variables update in xml Alerts to be disabled: - TA_Missed_IN_Alert - TA_Missed_OUT_Alert - ahc_Iqama_Alert - AHC_Emp_Termination_Daily - AHC_Hired_Employee_info [appltest@ebstestapp ~]$ [appltest@ebstestapp ~]$ ps -ef |grep -i appltest|wc -l 144 [appltest@ebstestapp ~]$ Update JAVA Color from query and clear cache to take effect. UPDATE fnd_profile_option_values erm SET erm.PROFILE_OPTION_VALUE='RED'--BLUE,KHAKI,OLIVE,PURPLE,RED,STANDARD,TEAL,TITANIUM WHERE erm.PROFILE_OPTION_ID in ( SELECT erm2.PROFILE_OPTION_ID FROM FND_PROFILE_OPTIONS_TL erm1,FND_PROFILE_OPTIONS erm2 WHERE erm1.USER_PROFILE_OPTION_NAME = 'Java Color Scheme' and erm2.PROFILE_OPTION_NAME = erm1.PROFILE_OPTION_NAME); If required upload missing RFS/PFS context filies entries to database in fnd_oam_context_files table SQL> select distinct(PATH),EXTRACTVALUE(XMLType(TEXT),'//file_edition_type') as FILE_SYSTEM from FND_OAM_CONTEXT_FILES where NAME not in ('TEMPLATE','METADATA','config.txt') and CTX_TYPE='A' and (status is null or upper(status) in ('S','F')) and EXTRACTVALUE(XMLType(TEXT),'//file_edition_type') in ('run','patch') -- check RFS/PFS context files uploaded to db or not . ~/EBSapps.env Patch $ADJVAPRG oracle.apps.ad.autoconfig.oam.CtxSynchronizer action=upload contextfile=$CONTEXT_FILE logfile=~/patchctxupload.log If required update Workflow mailer details: System administrator -> Oracle Applications Manager -> Workflow -> Site Map -> Notification Mailer -> Workflow Notification Mailer -> Edit Mail Account with MS Cloud (29-06-2021) Outbound EMail Account Server Name Host Name of the machine: smtp.office365.com Inbound EMail Account Server Name Host Name of the machine: outlook.office365.com Username for the Outbound Server: itinfocloudp@areefdba.com Password for Outbound Server (SMTP): passwords XXXX Reply-To Address The address of the e-mail: itinfocloudp@areefdba.com Reply Connection Security: STARTTLS Bursting Program for Pay Slip with cloud email account (Salary slip.PDF Atch)--> Senario-2 Bursting Program for Pay Slip (Salary slip.PDF Atch)--> -XML Pub. Admin--> Home--> Data Definition->Code (Executable Name): XXAHC_PAY_SLIP_XML XXAJAR_PAY_SLIP_XML XXAHC_PAY_CASH_SLIP_XML-Bursting Control File: XML template, Update Location of (.rtf) in XML <xapi:email id="GradeMsgId"
server="smtp.office365.com" port="587" from="itinfocloudt@areefdba.com.sa"> <xapi:template type="rtf" location="/u01/AHCTEST/fs1/inst/apps/AHCTEST_ebstestapp/appltmp/Salary_Template_Design.rtf"/> [appltest@ebstestapp ~]$ cp Salary_Template_Design.rtf $APPLTMP [appltest@ebstestapp ~]$ [appltest@ebstestapp ~]$ cat $XDO_TOP/resource/xdodelivery.cfg [appltest@ebstestapp ~]$ vi $XDO_TOP/resource/xdodelivery.cfg <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <config xmlns="http://xmlns.oracle.com/oxp/delivery/config"> <servers> <server name="smtpserver1" type="smtp_email" default="true"> <host>smtp.office365.com</host> <port>587</port> <secureConnection>tls</secureConnection> <username>itinfocloudt@areefdba.com.sa</username> <password>XXXXXXXX</password> </server> </servers> <properties> <property name="ds-temp-dir">/u01/AHC/fs2/inst/apps/AHCTEST_ebstestapp/appltmp</property> <property name="ds-buffering">true</property> <property name="SMTP_CONTENT_TYPE:String">"application/pdf"</property> </properties> </config> [appltest@ebstestapp ~]$ vi $XDO_TOP/resource/xdodelivery.cfg [appltest@ebstestapp ~]$ -Conc.Program: AHC Employee Salary Bank Payment Slip(XML) Apply Latest ETCC Patch on DB and AppsTier for any missing patch: oratest@ebstestdb:ETCC]$ unzip p17537119_R12_GENERIC.zip -d /u01/app/oratest/ETCC oratest@ebstestdb:ETCC]$ ./checkDBpatch.sh [appltest@ebstestapp ETCC]$ ./checkMTpatch.sh Sqlnet.ora parameters for OCI DB for RDBMS Home & Client Home: Update the sqlnet.ora in $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin/sqlnet.ora Update encrypt location of target by comparing source ################################# # Definition for CDB sqlnet.ora ################################# #ENCRYPTION_WALLET_LOCATION=(SOURCE=(METHOD=FILE)(METHOD_DATA=(DIRECTORY=/opt/oracle/dcs/commonstore/wallets/tde/UATCDB_jxxx))) #ENCRYPTION_WALLET_LOCATION=(SOURCE=(METHOD=FILE)(METHOD_DATA=(DIRECTORY=/opt/oracle/dcs/commonstore/wallets/tde/AHCCDEV_jxxx))) SQLNET.ENCRYPTION_SERVER=REQUIRED SQLNET.CRYPTO_CHECKSUM_SERVER=REQUIRED SQLNET.ENCRYPTION_TYPES_SERVER=(rc4_40,AES256,AES192,AES128)#(Doc ID 2777856.1) SQLNET.CRYPTO_CHECKSUM_TYPES_SERVER=(SHA1) #--- Client sqlnet.ora paramters #SQLNET.ENCRYPTION_CLIENT=REQUIRED #SQLNET.CRYPTO_CHECKSUM_CLIENT=REQUIRED #SQLNET.ENCRYPTION_TYPES_CLIENT=(rc4_40,AES256,AES192,AES128) #SQLNET.CRYPTO_CHECKSUM_TYPES_CLIENT=(SHA1) NAMES.DIRECTORY_PATH=(TNSNAMES, ONAMES, HOSTNAME) SQLNET.EXPIRE_TIME=10 SQLNET.INBOUND_CONNECT_TIMEOUT=60 SQLNET.ALLOWED_LOGON_VERSION_SERVER=10 IFILE=/u01/app/oracle/product/ |
Important sql Commands to check users session in EBS Multinode Architecture
-- Count of Active Users per Application node
col NODE_NAME for a25;
select min(first_connect), count(*) from icx.icx_sessions;
select a.node_name, 'Number of user sessions : ' || count(distinct b.session_id) How_many_user_sessions
from apps.fnd_nodes a,apps.icx_sessions b
where disabled_flag != 'Y' and PSEUDO_FLAG = 'N'
and (last_connect + decode(apps.FND_PROFILE.VALUE('ICX_SESSION_TIMEOUT'),
NULL,limit_time, 0,limit_time,apps.FND_PROFILE.VALUE('ICX_SESSION_TIMEOUT')/60)/24) > sysdate
and a.node_id=b.node_id and counter < limit_connects group by a.node_name;
------------------------- -----------------------------------
EBSTESTAPP Number of user sessions : 46
-- Number of Active Users Details as per organization
select a.node_name,u.USER_NAME,u.USER_ID,pap.EMPLOYEE_NUMBER,pap.FULL_NAME,org.NAME,pay.payroll_name,a.LAST_MONITORED_TIME,u.LAST_LOGON_DATE
from apps.fnd_nodes a,apps.icx_sessions b,fnd_user u,per_all_people_f pap,hr_all_organization_units org,per_all_assignments_f paa,pay_all_payrolls_f pay
where disabled_flag != 'Y' and PSEUDO_FLAG = 'N'
and org.organization_id(+)=paa.organization_id
and paa.PERSON_ID = pap.PERSON_ID
and sysdate between paa.EFFECTIVE_START_DATE and paa.EFFECTIVE_END_DATE
and (last_connect + decode(apps.FND_PROFILE.VALUE('ICX_SESSION_TIMEOUT'),
and a.node_id=b.node_id and counter < limit_connects
and u.USER_ID = b.USER_ID
and sysdate between pap.EFFECTIVE_START_DATE and pap.EFFECTIVE_END_DATE
and pay.payroll_id(+) = paa.payroll_id
and pay.effective_end_date(+)>sysdate
order by pay.payroll_name, org.name, pap.employee_number
grep command to search a error word from same file name from multiple folders
[oracle@rac1 ~]$ ls -ltrh $INST_TOP/admin/log/*/adconfig.log
[oracle@rac1 ~]$ grep -r Interrupted $INST_TOP/admin/log/*/adconfig.log
How to Start/Stop EBS services in Oracle Apps R12.2 on all app nodes through single command
[applmgr@ebstestapp ~]$ adstpall.sh -mode=allnodes apps/apps_password
[applmgr@ebstestapp ~]$ adstrtal.sh -mode=allnodes apps/apps_password
[applmgr@ebstestapp ~]$ adstrtal.sh -msimode apps/apps_password
[applmgr@ebstestapp ~]$ adstpall.sh -mode=allnodes -skipNM -skipAdmin apps/apps
[applmgr@ebstestapp ~]$ adstrtal.sh -mode=allnodes -skipNM -skipAdmin apps/apps
[applmgr@ebstestapp ~]$ ls -ltrh $INST_TOP/logs/appl/admin/log/adst*
need to verify can be deleted unwanted other than clone folder or not:
ls -ltrh $RUN_BASE/EBSapps/comn/*/FMW/FMW_Home.jar
ls -ltrh $PATCH_BASE/EBSapps/comn/*/FMW/FMW_Home.jar
APPS Tier Cloning is Completed Successfully:
Log Files Location to look for any errors after Clone:
-bash-5. tail -100f $EBS_DOMAIN_HOME/servers/AdminServer/logs/AdminServer.log tail -100f $EBS_DOMAIN_HOME/servers/AdminServer/logs/EBS_domain.log tail -100f $EBS_DOMAIN_HOME/servers/AdminServer/logs/AdminServer.out tail -100f $FMW_HOME/wlserver_10.3/common/nodemanager/nmHome1/nodemanager.log tail -100f $IAS_ORACLE_HOME/instances/EBS_web_OHS1/diagnostics/logs/OPMN/opmn/opmn.log tail -100f $IAS_ORACLE_HOME/instances/EBS_web_OHS1/diagnostics/logs/OHS/EBS_web/EBS_web.log |
Verify list of applied patches on Oracle Homes & JDK/JRE Version :
oramgr@ebstestdb:~ $ $ORACLE_HOME/OPatch/opatch lspatches $ORACLE_HOME/OPatch/opatch lsinventory |grep applied $ORACLE_HOME/OPatch/opatch lsinventory |grep description Check Patch Conflict methods with current applied patches to HOME: 1. Manual Command to check patch Conflict is go to patch folder and run: $ORACLE_HOME/OPatch/opatch prereq CheckConflictAgainstOHWithDetail -ph ./ 2. Run patch conflict check online, with option "Analyze with opatch" prior downloading patch (useful if having Big patch, check conf. without downloading patch) $ORACLE_HOME/OPatch/opatch lsinventory > Analyze_with_OPatch_Online.txt - click Analyze with opatch (near Download Button) - Attach/upload the above txt file to the patch with which need to check conflicts - click "Analyze for Conflict" ############################################################################################### ############################################################################################### -- Oracle_Home , Middel ware Home Weblogic Applied Patches check -- EBS HOME 1 (EBS Apps Home 10.1.2) echo $ORACLE_HOME /u01/OCI/fs1/EBSapps/10.1.2 $ORACLE_HOME/OPatch/opatch lsinventory | grep applied -- EBS HOME 2 (Middel ware home version, applied patches) echo $OHS_VERSION echo $OHS_SUB_VERSION export ORACLE_HOME=$IAS_ORACLE_HOME export ORACLE_HOME=$FMW_HOME/webtier $ORACLE_HOME/OPatch/opatch lsinventory | grep WebTier Oracle WebTier and Utilities CD $ORACLE_HOME/OPatch/opatch lsinventory | grep applied -- EBS HOME 3 : (oracle common home) export ORACLE_HOME=$FMW_HOME/oracle_common $ORACLE_HOME/OPatch/opatch lsinventory | grep Common Oracle AS Common Toplevel Component $ORACLE_HOME/OPatch/opatch lsinventory | grep applied -- EBS HOME 4: Weblogic Home patches check (for weblogic patching click here) Method-1a [oraerp@rac1 scripts]$ . $FMW_HOME/wlserver_10.3/server/bin/setWLSEnv.sh java weblogic.version Method-1b . $FMW_HOME/user_projects/domains/EBS_domain/bin/setDomainEnv.sh java weblogic.version Method-2 go to bsu folder and run cd $FMW_HOME/utils/bsu bsu.sh -prod_dir=$FMW_HOME/wlserver_10.3 -status=applied -verbose -view Current JDK and JRE Version [applmgr@ebsdevapp ~]$ $ADJVAPRG -version java version "1.7.0_321" Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.7.0_321-b08) Java HotSpot(TM) Server VM (build 24.321-b08, mixed mode) [applmgr@ebsdevapp ~]$ [oracle@ebsdevdb ~]$ $ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/jre/bin/java -version java version "1.7.0_321" Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.7.0_321-b08) Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 24.321-b08, mixed mode) [oracle@ebsdevdb ~]$ |
If required make instance cages as per EBS-DB Core Licences:
Instance Caging for CPU allocation: Configuring and Monitoring Instance Caging (Doc ID 1362445.1) ODA (Oracle Database Appliance): Howto Configuring and Monitoring Instance Caging (Doc ID 1474290.1) CPU Resource Usage in Linux and Unix ( Doc ID 466996.1 ) How is CPU_COUNT Determined? ( Doc ID 1448389.1 ) SQL> select value from v$osstat where stat_name = 'NUM_CPUS'; VALUE ---------- 32 Enable Instance Caging: SQL> alter system set cpu_count = 4; SQL> alter system set resource_manager_plan = 'default_plan'; Monitor Instance Caging: SQL> select name,instance_caging from v$rsrc_plan; SQL> select to_char(begin_time, 'HH24:MI') time, sum(avg_running_sessions) avg_running_sessions, sum(avg_waiting_sessions) avg_waiting_sessions from v$rsrcmgrmetric_history group by begin_time order by begin_time; SQL > "avg_running_sessions" is the average number of running sessions for this minute. If avg_running_sessions is much smaller than cpu_count, the instance is not fully utilizing its cpu_count allocation. cpu_count could be decreased without affecting performance. "avg_waiting_sessions" is the average number of sessions waiting to be scheduled for this minute. If avg_waiting_sessions is consistently bigger than 0, the performance of the instance could be improved by increasing cpu_count by this amount. SQL> select * from V$RSRCMGRMETRIC SQL> select * from v$rsrcmgrmetric_history V$RSRCMGRMETRIC_HISTORY displays a history (the last one hour) of resource manager metrics, taken from V$RSRCMGRMETRIC. When a resource plan is set, this history is cleared and restarted. This view provides information about resources consumed and wait times per consumer group. The columns for V$RSRCMGRMETRIC_HISTORY are the same as those for V$RSRCMGRMETRIC. |
Known Issues of Weblogic Server Startup:
Issue Reported:1 Not able to bring up the Weblogic Admin server due to abnormal shutdown or server reboot - [Store:280105]The persistent file store "WLS_DIAGNOSTICS" cannot open file WLS_DIAGNOSTICS000000.DAT. adstrtal.sh apps/apps . . . . ERROR: Skipping startup of oacore_server1 since the AdminServer is down. AdminServer needs to be up before starting/stopping the managed servers. ERROR: Skipping startup of forms-c4ws_server1 since the AdminServer is down. AdminServer needs to be up before starting/stopping the managed servers. ERROR: Skipping startup of oafm_server1 since the AdminServer is down. AdminServer needs to be up before starting/stopping the managed servers. ERROR: Skipping startup of forms_server1 since the AdminServer is down. AdminServer needs to be up before starting/stopping the managed servers. ERROR: Skipping startup of oaea_server1 since the AdminServer is down. AdminServer needs to be up before starting/stopping the managed servers. adstrtal.sh: Exiting with status 1 vi $INST_TOP/logs/appl/admin/log/adadminsrvctl.txt tailf $EBS_DOMAIN_HOME/servers/AdminServer/logs/AdminServer.out tailf $EBS_DOMAIN_HOME/servers/AdminServer/logs/AdminServer.log tailf $EBS_DOMAIN_HOME/servers/AdminServer/logs/AdminServer-diagnostic.log --------------------------------------------------- Solution: 1. Go to DOMAIN_HOME/servers/<SERVERNAME>/data/ldap/ldapfiles and remove the EmbeddedLDAP.lok lock file 2. Delete the *.dat file under DOMAIN_HOME/servers/<SERVERNAME>/data/store/default and DOMAIN_HOME/servers/<SERVERNAME>/data/store/diagnostics/ 3. Remove the contents under DOMAIN_HOME/servers/<SERVERNAME>/tmp and DOMAIN_HOME/servers/<SERVERNAME>/cache 4. Now start the server (adadminsrvctl.sh start) --------------------------------------------------- List of servers (Admin,Managed) are to delete files 1,2,3 1.AdminServer 2.oacore_server1 3.oafm_server1 4.forms_server1 [applmgr@ebsuatapp ~]$ ls -ltrh $EBS_DOMAIN_HOME/servers total 12K drwxr-xr-x. 3 applmgr oinstall 1 Jul 27 2021 forms-c4ws_server1 drwxr-xr-x. 3 applmgr oinstall 1 Jul 27 2021 oaea_server1 drwxr-----. 3 applmgr oinstall 1 Jul 27 2021 domain_bak drwxr-xr-x. 11 applmgr oinstall 9 Mar 23 07:36 forms_server1 drwxr-xr-x. 11 applmgr oinstall 9 Mar 23 07:37 oafm_server1 drwxr-xr-x. 11 applmgr oinstall 9 Mar 23 07:37 oacore_server1 drwxr-----. 12 applmgr oinstall 10 Mar 23 07:44 AdminServer -rw-r-----. 1 applmgr oinstall 14 Mar 23 08:06 AdminServerTag try to rename the existing files but not to delete: find $EBS_DOMAIN_HOME/servers -iname EmbeddedLDAP.lok* --ldap folder find $EBS_DOMAIN_HOME/servers -iname _WLS*SERVER*0.DAT* --default folder find $EBS_DOMAIN_HOME/servers -iname WLS_DIAG*.DAT* --diagnostics folder mv $EBS_DOMAIN_HOME/servers/AdminServer/tmp $EBS_DOMAIN_HOME/servers/AdminServer/tmp_old mv $EBS_DOMAIN_HOME/servers/AdminServer/cache $EBS_DOMAIN_HOME/servers/AdminServer/cache_old mkdir -p $EBS_DOMAIN_HOME/servers/AdminServer/tmp $EBS_DOMAIN_HOME/servers/AdminServer/cache mv $EBS_DOMAIN_HOME/servers/oacore_server1/tmp $EBS_DOMAIN_HOME/servers/oacore_server1/tmp_old mv $EBS_DOMAIN_HOME/servers/oacore_server1/cache $EBS_DOMAIN_HOME/servers/oacore_server1/cache_old mkdir -p $EBS_DOMAIN_HOME/servers/oacore_server1/tmp $EBS_DOMAIN_HOME/servers/oacore_server1/cache mv $EBS_DOMAIN_HOME/servers/oafm_server1/tmp $EBS_DOMAIN_HOME/servers/oafm_server1/tmp_old mv $EBS_DOMAIN_HOME/servers/oafm_server1/cache $EBS_DOMAIN_HOME/servers/oafm_server1/cache_old mkdir -p $EBS_DOMAIN_HOME/servers/oafm_server1/tmp $EBS_DOMAIN_HOME/servers/oafm_server1/cache mv $EBS_DOMAIN_HOME/servers/forms_server1/tmp $EBS_DOMAIN_HOME/servers/forms_server1/tmp_old mv $EBS_DOMAIN_HOME/servers/forms_server1/cache $EBS_DOMAIN_HOME/servers/forms_server1/cache_old mkdir -p $EBS_DOMAIN_HOME/servers/forms_server1/tmp $EBS_DOMAIN_HOME/servers/forms_server1/cache re-verify all files again ls -ltrh $EBS_DOMAIN_HOME/servers/AdminServer/data/ldap/ldapfiles/*.lok ls -ltrh $EBS_DOMAIN_HOME/servers/oacore_server1/data/store/default/*.DAT ls -ltrh $EBS_DOMAIN_HOME/servers/oacore_server1/data/store/diagnostics/*.DAT ls -ltrh $EBS_DOMAIN_HOME/servers/oafm_server1/tmp ls -ltrh $EBS_DOMAIN_HOME/servers/oafm_server1/cache mv $EBS_DOMAIN_HOME/servers/forms_server1/tmp $EBS_DOMAIN_HOME/servers/forms_server1/tmp_old mkdir -p $EBS_DOMAIN_HOME/servers/forms_server1/tmp mv $EBS_DOMAIN_HOME/servers/forms_server1/cache $EBS_DOMAIN_HOME/servers/forms_server1/cache_old mkdir -p $EBS_DOMAIN_HOME/servers/forms_server1/cache Issue Reported:2 during Stop/start of apps services getting below error as weblogic password is invalid. also unable to login to Weblogic console. need to bounce all the related sevices of EBS such as apps,db_listner, database [applmgr@devapp01 ~]$ adstpall.sh apps/apps ERROR: Skipping shutdown of oacore_server1 as the WebLogic password is invalid. ERROR: Skipping shutdown of oacore_server4 as the WebLogic password is invalid. ERROR: Skipping shutdown of forms_server1 as the WebLogic password is invalid. ERROR: Skipping shutdown of oacore_server8 as the WebLogic password is invalid. ERROR: Skipping shutdown of oafm_server1 as the WebLogic password is invalid. [applmgr@devapp01 ~]$ pkill -u applmgr [oramgr@devdb ~]$ $ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/scripts/$CONTEXT_NAME/addbctl.sh stop immediate [oramgr@devdb ~]$ $ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/scripts/$CONTEXT_NAME/addlnctl.sh stop $ORACLE_SID [oramgr@devdb ~]$ pkill -u oramgr [oramgr@devdb ~]$ $ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/scripts/$CONTEXT_NAME/addbctl.sh start [oramgr@devdb ~]$ $ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/scripts/$CONTEXT_NAME/addlnctl.sh start $ORACLE_SID [applmgr@devapp01 ~]$ adstrtall.sh apps/apps echo "http://"$(cat $CONTEXT_FILE | grep s_webhost | cut -d '>' -f2 | cut -d '<' -f1)"."$(cat $CONTEXT_FILE | grep s_wls_admin_domain | cut -d '>' -f2 | cut -d '<' -f1)":"$(cat $CONTEXT_FILE | grep s_wls_adminport | cut -d '>' -f2 | cut -d '<' -f1)"/console" WebLogic User Keeps Getting Locked Out with the Following Error BEA-090078 User WebLogic In Security Realm Myrealm Has Had 5 Invalid Login Attempts, Locking Account (Doc ID 2652897.1) - Lock and edit Security Realms myrealm User Lockout (tab) Lockout Enabled (uncheck) Save Release Configuration |
Thanks for Reading
Mohammed Areefuddin.
Suggested Topics :
R1229 M7 Clone | ||||
RAC DataGuard | Pluggable DB Clone | |||
appsutil for DB | ||||
JDK JRE upgrade | ||||
Add EBS Node | ||||
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